24: A&E With Joe

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It's a week since Kate came over, and I've been texting her all week. I'm so glad we are friends again!

This morning Zoe came into my room told me that Joe, her brother, was coming over. I screamed because I love watching Joe's videos on YouTube, and can't wait to finally meet him.

Zoe reminds me that he is in fact now my uncle, and I'm not allowed to have a crush on him, which makes me want to laugh and cry.

When he turned up he hugged Zo and Alfie then came over to talk to me.

"Hey Steph, I'm Joe and I guess I'm your new uncle!" He laughs.

"Yeah, I love your videos, I'm so excited that you're my uncle!" I reply.

He laughs and hugs me before chasing Nala down the hallway on his hands and knees.

I follow him and we have a threesome cuddle on the living room floor.

"I see you've made yourself at home then Joe!" Zoe laughs as she comes into the room.

He opens his mouth to reply but Nala sticks her tongue in his mouth before his words have a chance to escape.

Spluttering, Joe sits up and wipes his mouth.

"Whatever you had for lunch, it tastes DISGUSTING!" Joe tells Nala, and we all laugh.

We eat our own lunch of pasta and cheese with a tomato sauce made by Alfie.

After, we go down to the beach and go swimming in the sea, it's really cold but we still stay in there because it's really fun splashing each other and swimming.

Joe was really bad at swimming, so he was just splashing us until Zoe and I pushed him over under the water.

He surfaced, gasping from the cold shock, and lunged towards us, dragging us under the water with him.

We scream and pretty soon we are all soaking wet and freezing cold, so we come out and sunbathe on the sand.

Nala digs a hole and Joe falls in it and twists his ankle, we have to help him walk back to our house.

Once there, Alfie realises that this is actually quite serious, so we all drive to A&E. After waiting for two hours, it is 10pm, and a doctor finally calls us I to the room to check out Joe's ankle.

"It looks like a bad sprain, you will need crutches for around two weeks." The doctor States before wrapping us in bandages and sending us back home.

We get home at midnight and fall into our beds, tired from the exciting day behind us.


I'm less inspired with this story now so the updates are coming a bit slower, but still at least one every week okay?

I'm going to be finishing this story around September, so I have the summer to write a good ending, and there will probably be a sequel, so don't worry!

Eliza xx

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