25: 5SOS

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After a while Joe went back to London and things carried on as usual.

My YouTube channel grows and grows larger each day, gaining at least 5000 subscribers per day.

I text and FaceTime Kate constantly, and our friendship is almost stronger than ever!

I was just putting some of my clothes away in my wardrobe when Zoe called me downstairs to talk to her.

Curious, I stepped into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"What's up Zoe?"

"Nothing much.....only I got you 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER TICKETS FOR NEXT WEEKEND!" She screams.

I scream and cry and hug Zoe, 5SOS are my favourite band ever!

Soon enough, the time flies and the weekend of the concert rolls around.

I wear my black high waisted jeans from Topshop and a cute 5SOS shirt I found in Primark.

We drive to Wembley Arena and get there early so we go into Starbucks and order some cotton candy frappes.

We get recognised pretty quickly, so we make our way into the arena, but we don't go straight to our seats.

"Zoe? Why aren't we going to our seats?" I ask.

"You'll see!" She says mischievously.

She leads me past a few big security guards and down a long corridor. I hear guitar strumming and then we walk through a door into a simply furnished room with mirrors on the walls and big black sofas in the middle.

Sitting on the sofa, playing the guitar, is Luke Hemmings.

He gets up and hugs me and I nearly die.

The other boys come over from the other side of the room and all hug me and Zoe.

We all sit on the sofas and chat about stuff and then a man calls them to get ready to go on stage in 5 minutes, so we go to the merchandise stand.

Zoe pulls her hood up and her sunglasses down over her eyes before disguising her voice. We buy a tour t shirt each, a programme, a hoodie each, wristbands and a canvas shoulder bag.

Returning to our seats, which were right at the front, the lights dim and the concert starts.

I absolutely love it, it's definitely the best night of my life. Zoe enjoys it too, and we are buzzed when we drive back home.

As soon as we get home, we flop into bed and sleep, dreaming of Australian boys with angelic voices.


Sorry I  haven't updated recently! This is basically what happened at my concert except I didn't meet them omg I wish😅!

Eliza xx

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