19: We Need To Talk

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We sit down and start sharing out the Domino's that Alfie ordered while Zoe and I were upstairs.

I have a couple of slices of margarita pizza and lots and lots of dough balls - I'm obsessed with them!

After a few minutes, Zoe clears her throat.

"Steph? Alfie and I have a few things we need to talk to you about."

"Sure, go ahead." I reply.

"Well...." Alfie starts.

Him and Zoe are not smiling, this can't be good news.

Zoe continues: "Unfortunately, your current school is too far away for you to continue going there...."

I don't say anything.

Kate, my best friend, is still in that school. But would I rather live with Alfie and Zoe or continue going to school with Kate?

"Um that's okay. I guess I could FaceTime Kate and just meet up with her occasionally." I say.

"And we were wondering if you would like to be home schooled?" Says Zoe.

I have always wanted to be home schooled, but it was never possible because the home just couldn't cope with it.

"Yes please!" I exclaim.

They sigh in relief, a weight has been lifted off of their shoulders.

Okay, you can have a week off to get used to living here, and then we will schedule a lovely tutor to come and teach you for 5 hours a day!" Explains Zoe.

"Sure!" I agree.

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