18: Moving In

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The school week drags by so slowly, I can't wait for Saturday when I move in with Zoe and Alfie!

Finally, it is Friday night, and I am packing all of my stuff up in cardboard boxes and bags.

My overnight bag has my favourite must-have things in it, and there are other boxes marked:

•other stuff

As you can tell, my little shopping trip with Zoe has filled up quite a few boxes, especially since I already had quite a lot of clothes anyway!

I untangle the fairy lights from my bed and put them in the box marked •other stuff, and then I take a look around my now empty room.

It feels strange not having any of my stuff in the drawers, or any of my posters on the walls.

But of course, when I'm at Zoe's, my bedroom will be 100 times better than this, and I can't wait.

Soon, Saturday comes, and at 10am, Zoe draws up outside in her little red mini, Alfie pulls up behind her, he is driving a big white van to put all the boxes in.

We quickly load up the van, and then I'm ready to go.

Betty cries as she hugs me goodbye, she has been my mum since I was really little and I'm definitely going to miss her the most.

We let each other out of the hug, and I step away.

Zoe and I drive away in her mini and Alfie follows in the van.

Though I'm sad to be leaving my old life behind, I'm so glad I'm starting this new one with Zoe and Alfie!

The 20 minute drive flies by, and soon we are pulling up outside my new home.

It takes around ten minutes to unload the boxes off the back and take them up to my room, where Zoe and I start unpacking my belongings.

We put all of my clothes in the wardrobe, all of my books on the shelves and my makeup and other stuff in the drawers.

I place my toothbrush and toothpaste on the sink shelf and place my shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, shower cap and towels in my en-suite bathroom.

On top of the white chest of drawers is a present for me from Zoe.

It is a china ballerina.

"It was a gift to me from my mum when I was your age, now I'm your mum I would like you to have it." Zoe explains.

I hug her. I love it.

"Let's go and eat, Alfie and I have some things to talk to you about."


Guys I'm back from my holiday yay and nay because it's nice to be home but I miss the beach already!

Also I thought this had some nice little details in it : )

Eliza xx

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