9: Pancakes with Zalfie

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I climb into the passenger seat of Zoe's little red mini car and do my seatbelt up.

Zoe sits next to me and starts the engine. We slowly drive off, towards the main road.

"So today we will be going into Brighton to my flat where Alfie is making pancakes for us!" Zoe explains. "Then we will take Nala for a walk down to the beach and eat some fish and chips!"

"That sounds amazing!" I say.

We carry on towards Brighton, which is only a 20 minute drive away from the care home.

When we get into the twisty little streets of multi-coloured houses, I am struck by how cute this place is. It's the perfect place for Zoe to live!

I mean - for me to live. Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully!

We pull up outside a sky blue house with white windows and flowers in the small square of front garden.

"We're here!" Zoe exclaims.

I jump out of the car and she leads us to the front door. She opens it and gestures for me to lead the way.

The smell of freshly baked pancakes waft towards me and my mouth starts salivating.

I follow the smell of pancakes into the homely kitchen where Alfie is standing in front of the cooker flipping them!

A stack covered in sugar and strawberries is sitting at one place at the table, and a little card is set up next to it.

It reads:

Dear Steph,

We hope this stack of warm sugar and strawberry pancakes welcomes you into our house, may many sweet adventures await!

Love, Zoe and Alfie xx

I am overcome with happiness, sugar strawberry pancakes are my favourite! And Zalfie are going to adopt me! This can't be happening!

"How did you know my favourite pancake topping?" I ask.

"Well, we might have asked Betty! Just to make sure that your day started perfectly!" Zoe answered.

"You are seriously the best!" I squeal. I go to hug Zoe, but then stop.

What if she isn't ready for hugging? What if she doesn't want me to hug her so soon? What if she thinks I'm too clingy and sends me back to the care home? What if? What if?

Just as I'm about to move away, Zoe pulls me into the hug. Relieved, I hug her back.

Already, this is the best day of my life!

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