8: A Visitor

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The next day I'm back in my own room in the care home, listening to 5 Seconds Of Summer and watching Zoella videos, curled up on my bed.

My signed copy of Girl Online is sitting next to me, open on the page she signed. I can't stop touching it, feeling where her hand touched the paper.

"Steph! Steph! A visitor is here to see you!" Betty yells up the stairs.

Oh that's strange, I didn't agree to meet Kate today....

I come thundering down the stairs, and see a figure sitting down on the other side of Betty's desk. Her back is to me.

That doesn't look like any of my friends!

The figure turns around and I see that it is the ONE AND ONLY ZOE SUGG!!!!

"Zoe! What are you doing here?!" I squeal.

"This lady here would like to take you out on a day trip, and eventually adopt you, if that's okay with you Stephanie?" Betty says.

"That's right, when I saw you yesterday at the book signing, I don't know what happened but something clicked and I just thought: you're the one." Zoe explains.

"Um wow! YES YES YES YES YES x1000000000!!!!!!!!" I scream.

"Yay! If you go and get your jacket, i'll wait here for you!" Zoe squeals.

I run up the stairs, grab my bomber jacket and my phone, and sprint back down the stairs.

As we walk out the door, Betty slips me a note. It says:

I have done background checks on Zoe, and she is perfect, you are a lucky girl and are in safe hands! See you later, be back before 10pm,

Betty xx

Yes!! This is soooo surreal!

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