14: Never Fear, Chummy Is Here!

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We park in a little car park near a canal, and I follow Zoe down a path to a big open park, which is like a massive garden!

Zoe suddenly squeals and starts running towards two people, I don't recognise them at first. The I hear those words:

"Never fear, Chummy is here!"

I know immediately that it's Louise and Darcy!

Zoe and Louise and Darcy all hug, and I stand back for a while, I don't want to intrude.

Zoe senses my discomfort and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Chummy, this is Steph, Alfie and I are going to adopt her!" She spills.

"Really?" Louise gasps.

"Hi Louise, I really love your videos..." I mumble awkwardly.

"Yessss you're a sprinklerino! Zoe you made a great choice picking Steph!" Louise laughs.

Darcy then randomly runs off towards a tree which has a rope swing attached to an overhanging branch.

We all follow her and help her onto it, then push her back and forward as she screams in delight.

Everyone has a go, and we are really enjoying ourselves when Darcy suddenly blurts out:

"I really need a poop!"

Louise turns into SuperMum as she grabs Darcy and runs down the hill to the toilet block in the car park.

Zoe and I laugh and follow behind, if a little more slowly.

When we finally get to the car park, we see Louise and Darcy coming out of the toilets looking relieved. Disaster averted.

Spotting an ice cream shop down by the canal, we set off in that direction.

When we get there and look at the list of flavours, we see a whopping 36 different flavours to choose from!

I immediately choose apple crumble flavour, it's my ultimate favourite pudding ever!

Zoe chooses strawberry & cream, Louise chooses toffee fudge and Darcy has Haribo flavour.

We eat our ice creams sitting on a little bench in front of the canal, the sun is bright and this moment is perfect.

"Well we'd better get back to Norwich! Our train leaves in an hour, giving us just enough time to get back to the station, it was lovely meeting you Steph! Love you Chummy see you both soon!" Louise says as she hugs us.

Darcy gives me and Zoe big hugs, which makes me smile, and when they walk away, she turns back and waves.

When they get out of sight Zoe turns to me and says:

"How would you like to come for a sleepover at mine and Alfie's tonight?"

"YES PLEASE!!!!" I scream.

She laughs and texts Alfie that I said yes.

"But wait," I say. "What about my stuff?"

"Oh as soon as we left, Betty packed a bag for you and Alfie came and picked it up from the care home, we were kinda already expecting you to say yes!" She explains.

I am soooooo happy I could explode!


Awwww this chapter was fun to write! When I wrote this I was eating ice cream sweets as well which was funny aha.

I have actually eaten apple crumble ice cream and it was amazing, you must try it if you can! Also toffee fudge and strawberry & cream are my other two favourite flavours!

Eliza xx

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