23: Sleepover

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I'm so excited because I made up with Kate, and she's coming over for a sleepover for the first time!

She never came for sleepovers at the home because Betty wouldn't allow an extra kid in the house, so the only sleepovers we've ever had were at Kate's.

When we pick her up from her house she screams when she sees Zoe driving the car.

Zoe hugs her and we put her bags in the boot before climbing in the back seat.

We drive back home and I give Kate a tour of the house. She squeals at every new room I reveal, and keeps saying that she can't believe she's actually in Zoella and Alfie Deyes' house!

When I show her my room she exclaims that it's absolutely amazing. We have always had similar interests and our favourite colour is blue, which is the theme of my room.

When we're done on the house tour, we go down to the beach and eat fish and chips on the stones.

When we finish we take Nala for a walk down by the waters edge then go back to the house and watch Netflix.

Soon, we go to bed and we are all exhausted from the amazing day behind us.

We sleep soundly and our dreams are sweet and happy.


Really bad I know!

I had an amazing time at the 5 Seconds Of Summer concert, but I didn't have a lot of time to write a chapter sorry !

Eliza xx

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