7: Meeting Zoe

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"Hi girls, my name is Zoe, what are yours?" Zoe asks politely.

"My name is Steph!"

"My name is Kate!"

"We are your biggest fans ever!" I squeal.

"Aw that's cool," she says while signing our books. "So do you guys have big families?"

Kate looks at me and I smile back at her.

"I have a mum and dad and my big brother Sam!" She starts.

"I live in an orphanage..." I trail off.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Steph!" Zoe cries, standing up and giving me a hug.

She then stops and looks straight into my eyes. "You have the bluest eyes, they are so pretty!" She exclaims, studying my face.

"Thanks!" I reply.

She looks to the girls behind us and we start to walk home, our Girl Online's clutched under our arms.

We get back to Kate's house, and flop onto her bed and sofa.

"Well that was amazing, but weird!" I say.

"Too right! I mean, what a question to pick just for us! I heard she asked the girls behind us if they had any pets!" Kate agrees.

"It was a bit of bad luck...but imagine if she felt sorry for me and actually came and adopted me! That would be soooo cool! But it will never happen..." I say.

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