11: Dreams

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Lots of little kids come up to me, wanting to know about my day with Zoella. I just shrugged and went upstairs to my bedroom.

I had a message from Kate, saying:

Hey! Hope you had a great day! FaceTime me ye? 💕

I pressed the FaceTime button and her face popped up onto the screen, a broad grin across her face.

"So, how'd it go?! Tell me all the details!" She squealed.

Now the thing is, I don't really want to tell anyone about my day with Zoe and Alfie because then it won't be as special....

"Yeah it was great!" I reply.

"Come ONNNN Steph I want more than that! What did you do?" She argues.

"Well we ate some food and walked on the beach with Nala and then went and watched a movie." I tell her.

"OHMIGOSH you're soooooooo lucky!" She screams loudly in my ear.

I just sigh and flop on my bed, pulling my flowery duvet over me.

"So what food did you eat? What was Nala like? Did you talk to Alfie? Omg what movie did you watch? Did Zoe vlog it?" She bombards me with questions.

"Look, Kate, I'm really tired right now...." I say wearily.

"Oh okay. But we can talk in the morning and you can answer my questions then, right?" She persists.

"Yeah sure," I mumble as I press the hang up button.

Turning my phone off, I close my eyes.

Even though I'm fully dressed, I'm too tired to get changed and just fall into a deep sleep within seconds of my head touching the pillow.

I dream of my special day with Zoe, but then it twists and turns into a nightmare. Zoe hates me, her fans have turned against me, I have to hide my face and move schools, my life is ruined....

I wake up in a cold sweat, my sheets sticking to my body.

Realising it was just a dream, I sigh and lay back down. But maybe it was a sign, and things are going to go wrong. Maybe being adopted by Zoella is going to turn nasty? What should I do?

I panic and don't sleep a wink that night.

But, in the morning I have a text. I check who it's from, and it's from Zoe! Maybe she's saying this won't work out, that I have to live a boring life again..

From: Zoe💕

Good Morning Steph! Nala, Alfie and I are missing you very much already! See you next week sweetie! ❤️

I am filled with joy and reply:

To: Zoe💕

Thank you for the amazing day! I hope there are many more to come! Give Nala and Alfie a hug for me! I love you❤️

Zoe replies with just one thing:

From: Zoe💕


I smile, I feel ready to face the day.

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