22: Kate

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I'm back at school again, everyone is laughing at me and pointing.

I'm trapped in the corner, surrounded by walls of noise.

Kate is right in front of me, screaming.

I wake up, and realise that it was me screaming. It was all just a dream, thank goodness!

But then I remember the fight I had with Kate, and things aren't so great anymore.

I text Kate:

Hey I'm sorry! I love you Kate, things have been hectic recently and I'm sooooooo sorry that I didn't tell you!

Your Stephie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I wasn't expecting a reply from her, but I got one only five minutes later:

I'm sorry I overreacted Steph. I love you too! Friends? xxxx

I reply:

Friends xxxx

Then I text her again:

Hey Kate? You wanna come over for a sleepover today?

She replies within ten seconds:


I look at the clock, it reads 8am.

I jump out of bed and go into Zoe and Alfie's room.

"Hey Zo? I made up with Kate, can she come for a sleepover tonight?" I ask.

"Sure, as long as her parents are okay with it!" She answers.

I scream and run out.

"And we need to pick her up at 10!" I call through to their room.

I hear Zoe scream and jump up, before she comes running into my room.

"You didn't tell me that part!" She laughs as she picks me up and drops me onto my bed, before lying on top and tickling my stomach until I cried of laughter.

"We'd better get ready then!" I squeal.


Short one sorryyyyyyyyyy!

I've been really busy and so excited because my Dad bought me tickets to see Five Seconds Of Summer on Sunday!

Eliza xx

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