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My breath is fast and it feels like one of my panic attacks that I had very often in the relationship with Theo.

Pansy and Maya stumble out of the pool in total shock as there is a violent bang on our door and again. And again.

I shake all over, run to my bed, sit down and cover my ears with all my might. I rock back and forth.

This is too much.

Despite covering my ears, I hear Theo roar.

"Come out my little princess, we have something very important to sort out! Come on, don't be such a pussy and open the door for me."

"Fuck off you crazy idiot!" yells Pansy back.

I don't notice that Maya is sitting next to me the whole time, stroking my back and holding me in her arms, except for the moment when I briefly open my eyes because it's suddenly fucking quiet.

Pansy is just unlocking the door and opening it. She looks out through a small crack to see if he's gone.

I say in a shaky voice: "Please, Pansy, close the door again. He's unpredictable, he's not gone," - I start to get louder and more aggressive, squinting my eyes and yelling: "God damn it, now close that fucking door...".

I don't get a chance to finish my sentence when I hear a loud bang.

I open my eyes and see Pansy lying on the floor and Theo standing in the doorway with a devilish grin and plays with his wand in his right hand, leaning against the door's pawn.

"It was not a good idea to send your dog to me to solve your problems. Bad karma and all, and hey, what a coincidence... your karma bears my name, my beauty."

I scream, louder than ever before. I'm scared, really fucking scared, I am way too oder to do anything.

I am just fucking scared and hoping that anyone from the other dotms would hear me.

Maya jumps up, runs to her bed to get her wand, immediately runs back to my bed and stands right in front of me.

"Aww, that's really sweetheart. You really think you can stop me from talking to my little one? Well, where are your strong little mutts now, huh?" he says with great arrogance.

"CRUCIO!", I hear Maya roar, but to no avail.

He wards off the attack with a protective spell and says with a little psychotic grin not a second later : "Crucio.".

He hits Maya directly.

She screams and writhes in pain.

I get up from the bed and drop down next to Maya with tears in my eyes.

Meanwhile, Theo has closed the door and cast a silencing spell.

Maya is still writhing in pain and I hold her hand.

I look up at Theo who is now standing right in front of us.

With tears in my eyes I beg him:" Please, please stop! I'll do anything you want but please leave her alone! She has nothing to do with this! Please Theo - I'll do anything, please!"

He starts laughing, lowers his wand and crouches down, holding Maya's chin in his hand, who by now is unconscious and muttering to himself :" Tz tz tz, such a beauty, so brave and for what? For nothing."

"You won't get away with it, you know that as well as I do. Tell me, what should I do?" I whisper, drenched in sweat and still trembling all over.

"You will come with me," he says, stands up, kicks Maya's head and continues talking :" and you will not try to escape. I swore then that this is forever with us. No one will find you and I doubt anyone will come looking for you, because I'm going to cast such a spell on these two cuties that all they'll remember is that you tried to leave hogwarts after your little trip to the boys Dorms. Isn't that lovely? Just the two of us. Now pack your things, you've got 10 minutes. I'll take care of your two little friends."

I say nothing and tears silently run down my face, I stand up and obey.

I pack everything up and see the end of my already miserable life.

With Theo it will be anything but a happy and fulfilled life.
I reach the limit of my strength as I pack and there comes a point when I can't cry any more
I fall silent.

He takes my bags from me, including my wand of course, and we walk towards the exit.

I prayed so hard that someone would see us but as unlucky as I am, no one saw us and he left the grounds with me.
We apparated.

Draco's POV

No matter how hard I try, I can't sleep some feeling deep inside me keeps me from finding my rest for the night.

I look to my right at the bed where Mattheo lies, snoring peacefully. I curse him for it.

I briefly consider whether I should wake him up or just go into the bathroom and smoke a cigarette, splashing cold water on my face.

After 2 minutes on the edge of my bed, I decide on the second option and quietly go into the bathroom.

On the way there, I open my squeaky wardrobe, which makes mattheo toss and turn for a moment.

I take out my pack of cigarettes and see another bottle of Fire whisky that was half full.

Without hesitation I grab it and leave the cupboard door open and disappear into the bathroom, sit down on the closed toilet seat and take a big swig from the bottle.

I put the bottle on the bathroom cabinet next to the sink, light a cigarette and sit there motionless.

I think about what I am doing now, why I am doing this.

What has happened since the conversation on the first day with the boys? I can't just give in like this.

The smoked cigarette ends up in the toilet, I stand at the sink and turn on the water.

It is cold, very cold. I hold my hands under the water and fill them to dip my face in the little bit of water in my hands. And again and again.

The tips of my hair are wet.

I take a towel and rub my face and hands dry.

My head won't let me switch off, so I take 3 more big swigs from the bottle and look in the mirror.

Glassy and tired grey-blue eyes stare back at me and I wonder if it's really a good idea to put into practice what's on my mind.

Why am I even thinking about it?

This girl has turned my head for some inexplicable reason. FUCK.

I lightly smack my face and stare back at my reflection, hands on either side of the sink.

After minutes of staring at my reflection, I decided to go to Lexi's dorm. I take another sip, twist the bottle only halfway and leave my dorm.

Wearing only a pair of knee-length shorts and a green quidditch shirt with my last name on the back, I walk down the hall, through the common room and down the hall of the girls' dorms.

I get closer to the end of the dorm and hear music, the closer I get the more sure I was that the door was open.

I now see the door open and see two legs lying on the floor.

I immediately run and stop in the doorway and see the chaos inside.

Pansy and Maya on the floor, the whilpool as well as the music on, bottles all over the room.

My path immediately goes to Pansy as she is bleeding at the corner of her mouth.

I try to wake her up by shaking her shoulders and saying her name.

While I try to bring Pansy back to consciousness, Maya slowly wakes up.

She holds her head, looks around and asks: "What happened? God, my head hurts terribly."

"That's what I'm asking you! What happened here?" I shout and continue looking around, noticing that Maya is not here.

Looking around further, I also notice that her things are missing.

I look at Maya and yell: "Maya, what the hell happened here?!" ..



Blind ; D.M. 18+Where stories live. Discover now