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Lexi's POV

My grip on his arm loosens and I look into his eyes and see something I've never seen in him before.

His eyes are full of concern, full of fear and anxiety.

"Are you okay?" he asks me, but I've lost myself in those blue grey eyes without realising it.

"Lexi?" I hear him say and I shake my head and stammer out : "What? Yes, I'm a little better. Thank you." Never before have I noticed that his eyes look like a warm summer day with a light rain if you just look really closely. Fascinating and sad at the same time.

"Shall we go back? I'm starting to get pretty cold myself." he asks me and I just nod in response.

He helps me to stand up by holding my arm and resting the other on my hip. His touch and attentiveness feels so safe and normal, for whatever reason.

Still, I turn around jerkily and quickly button up the way-too-big jacket before he can see anything. My face turns bright red, I notice immediately. Draco's jacket barely reaches below my bottom, luckily Draco is quite a bit taller than me.

Crossing my arms, I turn back to him, feeling the shivering of my body becoming more intense and by now really exhausting and draining my strength, the cold that surrounds me unfortunately not helping much.

"Come on, let's go," I say in a shaky voice and try to move forward step by step, but walking is quite difficult for me, as frozen as I am. Every slight movement carries with it a pulling pain.

I try not to let on, when suddenly I feel a supporting arm around my back. Draco is now walking close beside me, giving me the missing support I need to walk.

You wouldn't think that Draco Malfoy, the womaniser who usually only worries about his bedtime stories, would stand by my side and give me support without asking.

I look up at him, my lips blue, and lose myself in the sight of him, renewed. His head is turned stubbornly forward. His head moves just slightly to the side, his eyes look down at me and he smiles slightly, averting his gaze from me again - immediately after, he tightens his grip on my waist.

Whatever this is, it feels strangely good.
It takes us a little longer to get to the hut and I can't stand the silence any longer.

"Draco, can I ask you something?" I whisper, just loud enough for him to hear.

"Haven't you already? I'm just kidding. What do you want to ask me, Lexi?" he asks and I feel his gaze on my skin again.

"Why are you here? How did you know all this, I mean. Understand me, I'm totally confused - I don't know what happened and how it all happened. I'm terrified to go back, Draco. Just the thought of being under the same roof as him again in a few minutes fills me with pure dread,' I say openly and honestly to him without realising I've stopped.

Draco stands right in front of me, looks deep into my eyes and places both hands on each side of my shoulder while stroking them a little with his thumbs.

"I understand your concern Lexi, I really do. But believe me, no one, absolutely no one, will ever touch you again if you don't want them to. Not as long as I'm by your side. I'm taking care of you now." I hear him say powerfully and without a trace of fear and immediately my breath catches.

Blind ; D.M. 18+Where stories live. Discover now