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I must add that it gets better with each chapter - I am growing in my tasks and in my writing style.
You will not regret it. 🤍


● please dont forget to vote. Much love ●

I dedicate this chapter to my beloved Hufflepuff for her birthday. ❤

On the Train:

Another year another drama.
I'm sitting in the train on my way to Hogwarts, when Pansy, Maya and me hear someone yelling: "I'm so done with all your shit! Fuck off, we're done, bastard!".

Soon after that we hear the door to our compartment fly open. Blaise and Mattheo come in, sit down and immediately afterwards a third boy comes in.

He sits down in the only free seat between me and Maya. Pansy looks at me and hides her laughter and says: "Well, that was something new, which one of you broke her?"

Mattheo is about to say something but the boy next to me silences him with a single glance.

I'm so happy I don't have such problems. All i can think about is books, books and good music.

Pansy and Maya are my best friends for as long as I can remember. We know everything about eachother but sometimes i wish they didn't know everything about me.

And as if on cue, Pansy suddenly asks: "And Lexi? Is there any news? Do you have anything to share with us? You're not talking much since we're in the train."

I know exactly what she is getting at and i say: "Nope, still as boring as before the holidays, you nosy little sucker."

I wink at her and turn back to my book. I hear the guy next to me chuckle slightly.
I don't even know who the guy is, I'm too shy to look at him.

Also i couldn't care less.

I try to focus on my book again. It only felt like a few minutes, then everyone stands up and Maya shouts: "Come on you bookworm, the train is almost at the platform! Do you get anything at all?"

I look out of the window and see the platform appear next to me and immediately jump up to stuff all my things into my bag.

Pansy is standing in the doorway waiting, not like the others who are already on their way out.

I have packed everything and look at Pansy who is looking at me with a big grin. I know the grin but I don't know why she looks at me like that.

"What's that devilish grin, huh?" I ask.
"You mean to tell me you didn't notice?", she looks confused.

"Notice what?" I ask even more confused.
"The Boy next to you - Draco's eyes kept wandering to you and your book."

Draco, that's his name. I have never seen him, never perceived him.

"Who is this Draco? Should I know him? If so, why?" I ask her.

I look at Pansy and her faces speakes volumes. Totally hysterical she grabbed my arm and says: "Are you fucking kidding me? He's the richest and hottest thing walking around Hogwarts and you're telling me you don't know who he is?"

Blind ; D.M. 18+Where stories live. Discover now