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Draco's POV

I can't control myself, I get up, squat in front of her and shake frantically at Maya's shoulders and yell : "Tell me what the fuck happened here right now!"

"Fuck man! I don't know! All I know is that we were drinking here and Lexi took off at some point. Shit my head hurts so bad...", Maya replied confused yet somehow frantic.

"And then? What happened then?", I asked hysterically.

"She packed her things and took off, left hogwarts I think. I can only remember bits and pieces of everything.... After that, Pansy and I drank another bottle pretty quickly and I guess that's how we ended up," I
she reply.

"Is that all? You guys didn't stop her? Why did she pack everything up and leave? Goodness, no one leaves school in the middle of the night without a valid reason - especially not after what happened an hour and a half ago! Fuck!" I yell.

I stand up and look around the room.

The shampoo, her nail polish and all the stuff was still in her drawer in the bathroom.

Her slippers under the bed and her watch on the bedside table - if you're going, you're going right, aren't you?

"And what is this? Why would she leave this here?" I look around some more.

"My goodness, what happened here?" I hear Pansy mutter.

She slowly comes to and sits up, her back against the wall, looking at me in confusion.
"Dude, what are you doing here?" she asks me, holding her head and squinting her eyes.

"What am I doing here? You great friends just let her go! Just like that! I'll never forgive you for that, bitches!" I yell and run out of the room, straight to my dorm.

I slam the door open and Mattheo yells :" Woah, what the fuck?! Are you out of your mind?"

I don't answer that, I go straight to the bathroom and reach for my bottle.

"FUUUUUCK!!!", I scream at the top of my lungs because I feel so guilty for letting her go instead of keeping her with me.

Maybe she wouldn't have left and we would have had a wonderful night together if I hadn't been so damn proud.

Mattheo comes rushing into the bathroom, totally startled and sleepy, and pulls me back by my shoulder:" What's wrong with you? Are you all right? What happened, come on tell me!"

"She's gone.. Lexi's gone. I went to her dorm after she was here for a bit when you were already asleep. She was drunk and I sent her away. I went after her later because I couldn't sleep and I saw Maya and Pansy lying on the floor man. On the ground and Lexi and all her stuff gone. Just gone. Pansy and Maya only know that she left voluntarily," I say.

"What do you mean? What do you mean she's gone? She can't just disappear like that, can she? And why was she here in the middle of the night?" he asks me in a more alert voice.

I slump to the floor and tug at my hair, thinking about what to do now.

I don't answer him, I can't. I don't know anything myself. What am I supposed to tell him?

"Shit, now pull yourself together! We'll calm down now..." he says and sits down next to me on the floor.

"Calm down? Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down, my conscience is fucking killing me, God how do you all stay so incredibly calm?" I yell.

Blind ; D.M. 18+Where stories live. Discover now