chapter 1 - Platform 9 3/4

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Y/N Black made her way to the Hogwarts Express for her third year at Hogwarts and she knows it's going to be a long one. To start with, word has gotten out about her father's escape from Azkaban, Sirius Black. He didn't deserve to be in Azkaban. He was framed for the murder of those muggles as well as for helping Voldemort, but of course, no one would believe her.

"You alright Kiddo," a familiar voice says to her calmly, Y/N smiles at her Aunt Monica, the only person who believed her. 

Aunt Monica took Y/N in after her mother died at the hand of the dark lord when she was born and her father went to Azkaban. She doesn't talk about Sirius, only mentioning that he was a good man that bad things have happened to. 

"Yeah I'm fine" Y/N replies as she looks at the bundle of students get on the train

"Do people know?" she says "about your dad"

"Only Florence and Jorden," Y/N says and the older woman nods 

"Alright try and keep it that way, I just want you to be safe"

"I will Aunty don't worry so much"

Aunt Monica chuckles "I worry 'cause I love you," she says and hugs Y/N tightly and the girl reciprocates

"I love you too," Y/N says and after the tight embrace she hops on the train in hopes of finding the cabin that her friends are in or one by herself

"Don't forget to write" Aunt Monica calls and Y/N sends her a smile and waves as the train starts to head towards Hogwarts


The aisle fills with students. Y/N works her way down the aisle, looking for an empty compartment. Florence texted her saying that she and Jorden have found an empty cabin. Y/N smiled at her phone but replied that she would rather ride the train alone. Florence fully understood and said they would meet at Hogwarts station.  

Y/N agreed and found a cabin with a man in shabby robes slumped against the window asleep. He looks ill and exhausted. Knowing that all the other carriages are most likely full, Y/N slips inside and puts on her headphones and stares out the window looking out to the green fields.

As she comfortably listens to her music, she can't shake the feeling that she is being watched. She looks to the man who is still asleep and she stares at the case with 'Professor R.J Lupin' on it. Must be the new defence against the dark arts teacher knowing that they change every year.

But it's not him that is watching her, it's the cabin next to her. She glances over at the golden trio looking at her with curiosity. Y/N sighs, she expected Harry and his friends to keep an eye out for her. Most likely Ron told them about her relation to Sirius Black with Aunt Monica working at the Ministry she's bound to bump into Arthur Weasley.

However, Y/N can't seem to break away her gaze from the bushy-haired girl, Hermione Granger. The Gryffindor girl is one of Hogwarts smartest for their year. Hermione's honey-brown eyes lock onto hers and Y/N can't help but give her a shy smile. Suddenly Ron nudges Hermione's arm breaking away her gaze from Y/N and she couldn't help but be saddened by it.

Y/N always knew she was a little different. Starting off with liking muggle things like music or books. She was curious about muggles from a young age and thankfully her Aunt took a liking to the non-wizarding world as well. This was unlike the rest of her family as she hates to admit it, but she is related to the Malfoy's. 

Draco is Y/N's second cousin with his mother and Y/N's father being cousins. She hated that she was related to such cruel people. She hated that they only saw wizards by their pure-blood status, it's wrong and their values were highly outdated.

Y/N was also curious about when she and Aunt Monica watch movies, Y/N would be jealous of the guy getting the girl or she wished that it was her saving the girl, kissing her, loving her. Then suddenly it all clicked.

Y/N came out as gay to her aunt this summer who accepted her whole-heartedly. She was thankful for her aunt raising her the way she did. Always talking about being with either gender when the concept of love came up. Of course, she was only 13 and hasn't been in a relationship before, only having her first kiss last year with her friend Jorden. 

Y/N was surprised that he kissed her one time when they were studying. After that moment she came out to both her friends who both accepted her. Y/N felt bad for hurting Jorden's feelings but he brushed it off and they have continued being friends. 

 Y/N looks out the window once more. Storm clouds, like dark ghosts, toss sheets of rain onto the glass as the train continues on its Journey. Just then, the compartment rattles. Lanterns flicker and the train begins to slow. 

'Why are we stopping' Y/N thinks to herself

Y/N watches Harry rise from his seat and slide open the door looking down the corridor. Suddenly, the cart sways violently causing Y/N to jerk in her seat before finally getting her balance as the cart stables itself. The metal window trim at Y/N's fingertips begins to vibrate. A dark silhouette outside wipes a patch of condensation from the window.

'What the bloody hell is going on?' 

"Don't move," a voice says as Y/N stares at R.J Lupin who is now awake looking at Y/N with a concerned expression. His face looks tired but his eyes are alert. 

Suddenly, a slimy and scabbed hand of death grips the half-open compartment door and pushes it aside. Y/N looks at the towering, cloaked figure, its face was hidden beneath its black hood. A sound swells in Y/N's ears causing her to clutch her ear at the pain.

Y/N notices that something similar is happening to Harry in the next cabin. Before Y/N could call for help, a silvery-white light drifts from the hooded creature's mouth. Y/N can't move and she can feel herself fainting leaving behind a dark pain in her chest. Not a moment later she falls to the ground, the world going black.


"Wake up," a calm voice says and Y/N can feel herself regaining consciousness. Y/N opens her eyes to see Professor R.J Lupin look at her with a sympathetic expression

"Eat this" handing her a piece of chocolate "It'll help"

Y/N takes the chocolate from his hands and takes a bit already feeling a little better

"Harry? Harry, are you all right?" Hermione's voice says as the raven-haired boy regains consciousness. Professor Lupin hands Harry some chocolate as well and he looks towards Y/N with a small smile on his lips. 

"What was that thing," Harry asks

"A Dementor" Y/N answers with Harry still looking confused

"It's one of the guards of Azkaban." Professor Lupin adds "It's gone now"

"It was searching the train. For Sirius Black." Hermione says her eyes looking to Y/N's

Her suspicions were correct. The golden trio know.


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