Chapter 25 - An Unexpected Arrival

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Harry and Y/N walk softly toward the open door of Lupin's office. The Professor stands over a battered suitcase, filling it with the last of his books. Without turning, he speaks

"Hello Y/N, Harry," Lupin says with a warm smile. The Marauder's Map lies open on an otherwise bare desk. Y/N looks back to Lupin. Unable to disguise her shock at Lupin's appearance.


"I've looked worse, believe me Y/N," Lupin says and Y/N nods. Harry eyes the open desk drawers and the bare bookshelves.

"You've been sacked," Harry asks

"Resigned, actually." Lupin says

"But why," Y/N asks

"It seems that someone has let slip the nature of my condition." Lupin answers

"Snape," Harry mutters and Y/N nods in agreeance

"Whoever. It was bound to get out. This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving. Parents will not want a- someone like me teaching their children."

"But Dumbledore-" Harry starts

"Has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me, well- let's just say I'm used to this by now." Lupin says "But before I go, tell me about your Patronus Y/N."

"Well. At first, I thought it was a raven, or perhaps an eagle, but I think it was-"

"A falcon" Lupin finishes


"Your mother's Patronus was a falcon. She was a great friend Audrey" Lupin says in a nostalgic tone "Harry did you find yours"

"When I cast my Patronus it wasn't as strong but I could make out that it was a stag" Harry answers and Lupin looks at the boy with a warm smile

"Your father used to transform into one. That's how he was able to keep me company when I became sick." Lupin replies and Harry nods. "There are stories about him and your mother, you know. Some are even true. But I think it's safe to say, in the end, you'll know them best by getting to know yourself. The same goes for you Y/N"

Lupin then leaves the room leaving Y/N and Harry behind


Y/N and Harry make it to the Great Hall where they see their friends gathered around the Gryffindor table. They are all joking and laughing loudly and Y/N smiles. She also notices a bunch of Gryffindor's make their way around the table

"Stand back, I said! I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle!" Ron says. As Harry and Y/N arrive, Harry glances at Hermione, who clears her throat loudly. The others turn, begin all speaking at once.

"Harry! Wherever did you get it!" Neville asks

"Can I have a go, Harry? After you, of course-" Seamus says

"Quiet" Ron says loudly "Now let them both through."

Mystified, Harry steps forward, the boys peeling away, clearing his view of the broomstick in Ron's hands. The label gleams 'Firebolt'

"Whose is that," Y/N says

"Harry's" Ron says

"Who? But- how?" Harry asks stunned

"It's a mystery. Though this fell out of the wrapping." Hermione says and Y/N looks at the hippogriff feather

"And also a little bit of help," a familiar voice says and Y/N looks up to find her aunt making her way over to the Gryffindor table

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