Chapter 2 - Welcome to Hogwarts

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Eventually, the Hogwarts Express finally reached Hogwarts and Y/N got off the train to look for her two best friends. After some time looking, Y/N eventually found them. Florence and Jorden were both in the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff robes respectively Y/N made her way over to them. Florence also know as Flo to her friends, spots Y/N first and has a huge smile on her face as she pulls the other Ravenclaw girl into a tight embrace with Jorden trailing close behind.

"Y/N you're finally here," Flo says and kisses Y/N's cheek

"I might be dead soon if you won't stop squeezing me to death," Y/N says and Flo laughs but let her go. "Hey Jord's"

"Hi Y/N," the Hufflepuff boy says embracing her into a hug "It's good to see you"

"You too" Y/N replies and they walk to the horseless carriages "So have a good break"

"The best" Jorden says "went to a few quidditch games and practised with my father all summer. I think I'm gonna try out this year"

"That's great Jord's," Flo says "I'm not sure if I wanna try out this year, Ravenclaw already have their beater positions filled"

"Maybe next year then," Y/N says "but a seeker position that has just opened up, I might as well tryout"

"Yeah it might keep your mind off things" Jorden says

"Speaking of" Flo starts "how are you holding up?"

Y/N sighs to be honest she already wasn't feeling great before she got to Hogwarts. But after her encounter with the dementor, she feels worse.

"Not great" Y/N replies "I just want this year to go as quickly as possible and hope that it all blows over"

"Have faith Y/N," Jorden says with a small smile on his lips "I'm sure this year will go quick"

"I guess we'll see"


Once the trio enters the great hall, Jorden splits from the girls to the Hufflepuff table whilst Flo and Y/N make their way to the Ravenclaw table. the two girls found an empty seat and listened to the choir sing.

"God this music is awful," Flo whispered and Y/N chuckles and nods in agreeance "I bet you could play better music than that"

"Oh I know I could Flo" Y/N whispers back and then it goes silent as Professor Dumbledore stands to speak.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. I have a few things to say, before we become befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor."

Everyone claps and Y/N turns to Flo "I sat next to him on the train he saved me and Potter's friends from a Dementor attack"

"You were attacked by a Dementor and didn't think to tell me or Jorden sooner"

"I didn't want to worry you" Y/N explains

Flo sighs "we'll talk about this later" as the applauds die down

"Finally, on a more disquieting note, Hogwarts, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, will until further notice play host to the Dementors of Azkaban." Dumbledore continues "The Dementors will be stationed at the entrances to the grounds. While they are under strict orders not to enter the castle itself, you will on occasion see them as you go about your daily activities. Under no circumstances are you to approach them. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving."

At the end of the feast, Flo and Y/N make their way up to their Ravenclaw dorms. The two said goodbye to Jorden at the stairs as they parted ways. The girls made it back to their rooms to find that their luggage has been delivered and quickly got ready for bed.

"So are you going to spill about the dementors or not" Flo asks

Y/N sighs "look I honestly can't tell you what happened other than a Dementor came into the cabin and I fainted. Professor Lupin stopped the attack "

"Come on Y/N, I've known you since first year," Flo says "I know there's more to the story"

Y/N changes into an oversized grey t-shirt and black shorts "Potter, Weasley and Granger were there too. Granger said that the Dementors were looking for Sirius Black"

"Do you think that they know," Flo asks

"I think they do, they stared at me a lot on the train, I'm sure Ron must've said something"

Flo nods and gets under the covers of her bed "alright, you should probably fill Jorden in tomorrow"

"Yeah" Y/N replies as she gets into bed, pulling the covers close to her chest "'Night Flo"

"Night Y/N"


The next Morning Y/N and Flo get dressed and meet Jorden at the great hall for breakfast. they spot Jorden piling french toast on his plat and the two girls sit beside him.

"Good morning to my favourite Ravenclaws," he says and Flo laughs

"Didn't your mum tell you it was rude to talk with your mouth full"

"May have mentioned it," Jorden says with a smirk

The three eat their breakfast and Y/N fills in Jorden on what happened on the train. The Hufflepuff boy was shocked at the attack and looked rather afraid

"He's really out there, your dad," he says quietly

"Yeah" Y/N replies

"Well I've got a question," Flo says "why are the Dementors already stationed at Hogwarts, why are they expecting him to come here?"

both Jorden and Flo both look to Y/N "I don't know"

"You told me that you and Harry were the ones affected by the dementors, that's curious too" Jorden adds

"Dementors could've attacked me because I'm related to Sirius Black" Y/N answers "but I'm not so sure about Harry"

"It's curious," Flo says

"Indeed" Y/N replies

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