Chapter 7 - Dumbledore's office

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Y/N Follows Professor Dumbledore to his office neither of them saying a word. They make it up the staircase and as soon as the Headmaster closes the door behind them Y/N starts to ramble

"Professor, I don't know anything to do with Sirius Black, I was at Hogsmeade-"

"It's alright Y/N I know you didnt have anything to do with it" Dumbledore says quietly and Y/N sighs with relief "I called you in here to ask if your alright"

"I'm fine professor" Y/N says

"Very well, I know this situation must be difficult for you but just letting you know that I'm here if you need to talk"

Y/N nods and goes to the door but stops "Professor, can I ask you something?" she says and Dumbledore nods "why do the dementors affect me so much"

"I would be assuming its because of your relation to your father" Dumbledore says "but something tells me you already knew that, so Y/N what is it really that you really want to ask me"

"I don't know really sir" Y/N says "I guess I just want to know more about him"

"him being your father" and Y/N nods. The headmaster eyes Y/N curiously before speaking "The first time I saw you, Y/N I recognized you immediately, you have the same eyes"

"I've been told that before" Y/N says

"Yes. I knew your father, he was a good student that always got up to no good with his friends, perhaps professor Lupin could tell you more"

"Professor Lupin knew my father"

"Yes they were quite good friends" Dumbledore says "he was also very loyal, a trait that you have inherited"

Y/N smiles "I don't think he's all bad professor" she says quietly "perhaps just keep that between us professor, I don't won't to give my classmates anymore reason to hate me"

Dumbledore smiles sadly "your secret is safe with me"


The next day Y/N disides to take a morning walk around the castle to clear her head. Deep in the distance, some boys skate about on brooms, tossing a ragged quaffle back and forth. Y/N crosses halfway along the bridge and looks out to the vast forest.

"Out for a morning walk are we" Professor Lupin's voice chimes

Y/N smiles weakly at the professor "just out to clear my head professor"

"I can imagine you have a lot on your mind, especially after last night"

"To be honest with you professor I've had a lot on my mind the moment I was attacked by that dementor on the train"

"I'm surprised your Boggart wasn't the dementor like Potter's" the professor says

"I did think of the dementors first. But then, I remembered that time with my aunty when they imported serpents at the ministry last summer, that wasn't one of my favourite evenings"

Lupin smiles proudly "I'm impressed. That suggests that what you fear most of all is, fear. Very wise"

"Before I fainted on the train, I heard something. A woman screaming" Y/N explains

"Dementors force us to relive the worst memories of our lives. Our pain becomes their power."

"I think it was my mother. The night she was murdered." Y/N says and looks up to find Professor Lupin studying her

"You look so much like her" the Professor says and Y/N meets his eyes opening her mouth to speak "Yes I knew her. She was there for me at a time when no one else was. We used to talk for hours. She was not only a singularly gifted witch but an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in whoever she met, even and perhaps most especially when that person couldn't see it in themselves"

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