Chapter 16 - Peter Pettigrew

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Y/N tossed and turned in her sleep. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't let herself drift off. Y/N sighed and sat up in bed to check her phone. She wasnt expecting to find anything when she checked the muggle news, or anything out of the ordinary, she just wanted to distract her mind.

Suddenly, she gets a text from Harry

Harry Potter: Meet me out the front of the Ravenclaw common room

Y/N Black: why? we aren't allowed to move around the castle at night

Harry Potter: just trust me it's something we need to see

Y/N Black: alright

Y/N puts her phone away in the pocket of her grey sweats and quietly sneaks her way out of the Ravenclaw dorm


Harry and Y/N move down a dark corridor, the marauder's map in Harry's hand and Y/N holds up her wand to light the way. They pass many paintings with the subjects fasting asleep snoring.

"Harry what are we doing here" Y/N whispers

"Look," Harry says pointing to the map and Y/N spots a familiar name, one that should be dead

Peter Pettigrew

"How-" Y/N speaks

"I don't know" Harry finishes

Y/N squints toward the end of the corridor then down at the map. Pettigrew moves quickly down the adjoining corridor. Twenty yards away.

Now Ten. Only seconds away Harry raises his wand which trembles in his hand. Y/N glances from the map to the dark corridor ahead, again and again. Then, as the two dots are about to collide, they slowly look up, turn the corner heart thumping hard in their chests and meet themselves reflected in a mirror.

They both jump back in surprise startled. Harry glances back down at the map and Pettigrew has moved past Them.

Y/N looks at Harry who is just as confused. Y/N casts her wand along the walls.

"Watch it there, girl!" an old man in a painting says, scowling in the glare of Y/N's wand light.

"Sorry" Y/N whispers and removes her wand from the wall

"Do you think it was a mistake Harry" Y/N says and the raven-haired boy shakes his head

"No the map doesn't lie" Harry answered and Y/N just nods

On the map, Pettigrew continues to move away. Harry and Y/N make their way to follow, then stop. They hear footsteps. Harry's wand dances across the parchment, finds another dot.

Severus Snape

"Kill the lights," Harry says and Y/N does and she grabs Harry's hand as he puts his wand away "Mischief managed"

Suddenly they turn into the harsh light of Snape's wand who stares at them unamused

"Potter, Black. What're you doing wandering the corridors at night?" Snape says

"I was- I was-" Harry stutters

"sleepwalking, Professor" Y/N steps in "I was trying to get him back to the Gryffindor common room"

A sneer curdles the corners of Snape's lips "How extraordinarily like your father you are, Potter. He too, was exceedingly arrogant. Strutting about the castle-"

"My dad didn't strut. Nor do I." Harry says and Y/N stays quiet "Now if you don't mind, we'd appreciate you lowering your wand."

"Turn out your pockets. Both of you" Snapes says coldly. Y/N and Harry don't move "Turn out your pockets!" he says again. Finally, the pair oblige. Snape looks to Y/N who has nothing but her wand and phone and then to Harry and Snape eyes the map.

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