chapter 24 - The Falcon and the Rescue

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The pair run through the forest and reach the edge of the black lake. Y/N and Hermione's faces are shocked and terror-ridden. Opposite them, across the lake, a cyclone of Dementors whirl madly above Y/N, Harry and Sirius. Y/N watches Harry vainly attempt to conjure a Patronus as the cyclone only continues to grow.

"This is horrible," Hermione says

"Don't worry. My mum will come, right there you'll see." Y/N says hopeful "She'll come any minute, she'll conjure the Patronus"

Hermione eyes Y/N warily. She is transfixed, staring hungrily toward the outcrop. The wind rises and the Lake begins to freeze. One after another, Dementors drop from the sky, vanish in the cyclone

"No one's coming, Y/N-" Hermione says

"SHE WILL! She will come!" Y/N says again

She looks again, nothing. Desperately, her eyes flash to the cyclone, to the pitiful sight of Y/N, Harry and Sirius at the water's edge, wracked with pain and dying

"No one's coming! You're dying, all of you and no one's coming!" Hermione says and Y/N looks across the lake

Suddenly, Y/N's face changes. She's figured it out, she goes and draws out her wand "I know what I have to do"

"No Y/N wait-" Hermione calls but Y/N doesn't listen. She slashes through the trees, down to the rocky outcrop, to the exact spot where her mother appeared. Poising her wand, she looks out over the sea of Dementors on the other side of the lake.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Y/N yells at the top of her lungs

A wisp of silver escapes her wand, hovering like a mist, then blooms magnificently. The trees explode with light. The lake blazes with reflected fire. Y/N stands utterly still, wand extended to the heavens. Across the lake, the Dementors retreat. Y/N waits, still as a statue, until each and everyone is gone. Then he simply lets her arm drop.

The falcon slowly retreats back to her wand and Y/N lets out a shaky breath. Hermione rushes to Y/N's side and puts a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alight" Hermione asks and Y/N nods "come on, we need to go," she finally says softly and they make their way to Buckbeak.


Y/N and Hermione hop on the Hippogriff's back and soar toward the castle. Outside the grounds, the Dementors wait restlessly. Up ahead, Fudge and Snape enter the Dark Tower, torches in hand.

"You were right, Hermione. It wasn't my mum I saw earlier. It was me, I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time, because- because I'd already done it. Does that make sense?" Y/N explains and Hermione shakes her head

"No" she replies and looks down at the dark tower "I don't like this"

Buckbeak lands and Y/N and Hermione make their way to Sirius. Sirius paces within a small cell. Spying Y/N and Hermione, he stops. Stunned to see them.

Hermione pushes past Y/N "out of the way" she says "Alohomora!" Sirius tests the iron door. still locked

"Did you really expect that to work?" Y/N says

"Shut up" Hermione snaps. They can hear Snape and Fudge draw closer. Wand flashing, Hermione tries spell after spell. "Dunamis! Liberare! Annihilare! Emancipare! No. No. No"

"You might try-" Sirius suggests

" Quiet! I'm trying to think." Hermione snaps and resumes pacing, muttering furiously. Then she stops and turns. "BOMBARDA!"

The cell door rockets to the sky, becoming nothing more than a pile of rubble. "That'll do." Sirius replies

Buckbeak takes Y/N, Hermione and Sirius off the terrace and soars directly out of the tower with a narrow escape, as Snape and Fudge reach the top of the tower.

Sirius laughs, hair blowing in the wind. "You truly have got my flair for mischief Y/N," he says and Y/N smiles at her father. Black puts his hands to Hermione's waist, swings her off Buckbeak and onto the ground next to Y/N. "I'll be forever grateful for this. To both of you."

"It was the right thing to do" Hermione says

Sirius smiles "you truly are the brightest witch for your age, Hermione"

Hermione smiles at the man then Sirius turns to his daughter. His silver eyes are warm with a hint of sadness knowing that he'll have to leave again.

"I want to go with you." Y/N says "and Harry does too"

"One day perhaps. For some time, life will be too unpredictable. Besides, you're meant to be here." Sirius says and claps Y/N's shoulder looking her in the eye. "Promise me something Y/N"


"Trust yourself. No matter the challenges you face and I fear they will be many, you'll be surprised how many times you can find the answers in here" he says tapping Y/N heart. Y/N hugs her dad tightly.

"I'll miss you dad," Y/N says

"I'll miss you too my darling girl," Sirius says "I love you so much"

"I love you too," Y/N says with tears

"Tell Harry I said goodbye and that we will be a family someday," Sirius says and Y/N nods. As Sirius climbs atop Buckbeak, a shooting star arcs through the heavens. "A shooting star. Make a wish."

Sirius smiles and gives Buckbeak a slap and they soar into the glittering sky. Y/N and Hermione stand watching when suddenly the clock tower chimes

"We need to go Y/N," Hermione says and Y/N nods


Y/N and Hermione dash off. They race up the tower stairway, then pass through the mechanism and on through to the end of the corridor. The clock tower bell thunders and the door opens. Dumbledore backs out.

"By the way, when in doubt, I always find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin. Good luck." As Dumbledore begins to close the door, Y/N and Hermione stumble frantically forward, the door, when suddenly, Dumbledore stops them. "Well?"

"He's free, Sirius. We- we did it." Y/N tells him

"Did what?" Dumbledore says mischievously. With a twinkle in his eye, the headmaster swings open the door.

As Y/N and Hermione enter, they catch the faintest glimpse of themselves across the room just as they evaporate. Ron blinks then frowns as Jorden and Flo stare at them with wide-eyed expressions.

"How'd you two get over there?" Ron says

"We were was just talking to you over there." Flo points to the other side of the room and frowns. Hermione glances mischievously at Y/N.

"What d'you think, Y/N? Too much for them. after everything that's happened tonight?" Hermione says

"Afraid so. Always been a bit of the nervous type, Flo has." Y/N says

"Knock it off Y/N" Flo says and Y/N laughs "Ron saw it too"

"And Ron's more delirious than you," Y/N says back and Ron frowns

"You guys are mean," he says and the room giggles

Suddenly Harry starts to wake and Y/N rushes to his side. the raven-haired boy opens his eyes. "Y/N," he says groggily as he sits up then as he regains consciousness "Y/N Sirius-"

"Is alright, he's free," Y/N says "but the bad news is that it may take a little more time before we can stay with him"

Harry sighs "looks like back to the Dursley's"

Y/N frowns but then it turns into a mischievous smirk "actually I think I have an idea"

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