Chapter 9 - Snape and Quiddtich

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Chatter fills the defence against the dark arts class as the students wait for Professor Lupin to teach. Y/N and Flo meet Harry, Hermione and Ron sitting closer to them. They have all gotten a little closer now, especially Y/N and Hermione. The Ravenclaw and Gryffindor have now started studying together more frequently and very much enjoy each other's company.

SNAP! Snape pulls down a screen over the blackboard. The potions master then turns to the class.

"Turn to page 394." Snape says coldly

"Excuse me, sir, but where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asks

"That's not really your concern, is it, Potter?" Snape says his expression stoic as ever "Suffice it to say, your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Page 394."

Flo taps Y/N's arm "is it just me or is Snape moodier than usual" she whispers and Y/N nods but turns to the desired page

Snape blows out a candle and a slide show begins. An ancient woodcut of a horrific beast flickers at the front of the room.

Ron frowns down at his book. "Werewolves?" he says confused

"But, sir, we've only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks-" Hermione answers

"-Quiet" Snape snaps

Ron turns to Harry and Y/N "When did she come in? Did you see her come in" Harry shrug and Y/N looks at him confused. The red-haired boy rolls his eyes and faces the front

"Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?"

Not seeing anyone else raise their hand Y/N does so "An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. This means the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind"

"That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Black."

"Sir are you joking!" Y/N says pissed off

"Professor Y/N answered the question like you asked and she was correct" Hermione defends

"Tell me Miss Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself? Or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" Snape says and Hermione does speak and looks embarrassed

"He's got a point, you know." Y/N hears Ron say to Harry

"5 points from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor" Snape says and then addresses the class once more "As a antidote to your ignorance, I prescribe two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning, with particular emphasis placed on recognizing it."

The whole class groans but they quickly get on with their work. As the class continues with everyone busy writing, Y/N feels like she's going to fall asleep. How is it possible that snape can ruin every class he steps into.

Suddenly a loud thud on Y/N's desks wakes her "Sleeping in class Miss Black"

"Sorry professor" Y/N says

"I hope you demonstrate more attention on the Quidditch pitch this weekend then you do in this class" Snape says and Y/N's jaw tenses "If not, I fear you'll perish, given the weather forecast. Until that time however, you'll forgive me if I don't let you off homework. Should you die, I assure you you need not hand it in."

Y/N stays silent and Snape moves around the classroom. She starts to do some work glaring at Snape. Suddenly a piece of paper hits Y/N and she picks it upand unscruntches it

'if you stare at the professor anymore his cloak might set ablaze' -Granger

Y/N looks to Hermione who has an innocent smirk on he lips and The Ravenclaw girl can't help but smile. Flo nudges Y/N which pulls her from her thoughts

"So just a little crush" Flo whispers

"Shut up" Y/N relents to saying


It's Quidditch day, Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor. Lightning strikes one of the golden quidditch rings and the clouds bloom with icey blue light. Far below, in the stands, rain lashes the sea of umbrella's. The two Quidditch squads, Gryffindor in scarlet red, Ravenclaw in royal blue, shoot into the air. Twin bludgers fire skyward, and the match is on.

Y/N rises like a rocket through the mist, her robes snapping violently in the wind. As she flies, rain falls like needles before her, every dark cloud concealing potential danger. Beaters crisscross her path. A bludger whizzes past, then a second rockets directly at her.

Y/N ducks and watches the bludger shatter the broom of a Gryffindor beater. The Beater goes into a wild spiral, vanishes in the mist. Y/N flies fearlessly, searching for the Snitch as bludgers pierce the clouds above her and chasers filter in and out of view far below.

Suddenly, Harry flies up to Y/N on his broom.

"No hard feelings for who wins right" he yells competing with the rain and wind

Y/N does a thumbs up when suddenly in the stands opposite, a black umbrella flies from the hand of a Ravenclaw girl. For a moment, it sails wondrously through the heavy air, it then abruptly picks up speed, rotating like a hatchet.

"Watch out!" Y/n yells

Harry ducks, turns, and watches it disappear into a bank of clouds. He turns back to Y/N "thanks" he yells.

Then, something glimmers, it's the snitch. Instantly, Harry and Y/N jet off closing fast on the tiny, glimmering ball, chasing it through one clouds. Suddenly, they break into a clear patch of sky only to find the Snitch is gone.

Angrily, Harry whips the Nimbus back around, with Y/N close behind. Y/N searches the horizon frantically, when she spies something.

Close to the stadium's highest tower, something enormous flickers briefly in silhouette, then is obscured by a veil of mist. Y/N turns. In the distance, the stray umbrella spins into view harpoons a player. Her eyes shift and the snitch shimmers like a firefly in the dark underbelly of a cloud. Y/N begins to go with Harry close on her tail. When the veil of mist shrouding the high tower shifts and for one brief moment a great dog is revealed.

As this mist closes, Y/N and Harry look to each other and both jet away. As Harry and Y/N pelt after the Snitch, the crowd rises to their feet roaring. Ron grins over the binoculars, watching Harry and Y/N shred the mist as they urges there brooms on.

"Faster!" Harry says

"Come on!" Y/N mumbles

Y/N glances at the handle of her broomstick. The water pouring through the grain is freezing. vapour streams from her mouth and nose as she gains on Harry.

Swoosh! A dark silhouette passes on Harry's right. Y/N barely misses it. They turn and swoosh! A twin silhouette passes on their left.

Y/N looks down, the layers of mist are parting below. Lightning strikes revealing an army of silhouettes drifting onto the pitch. A vast legion of them

"Dementors" Y/N mutters to herself. A silvery white light begins to float from Harry's mouth. His glasses ice over completely. His fingers go rigid and he falls.

"Harry!" Y/N yells as she flies down as fast as she can to reach the Gryffindor boy. The Dementors close on her tail.

Y/N gains on Harry and reaches out her hand to grab the Raven-haired boy's arm. She grips it tight but the momentum forces her to fall off her broom but she holds on tight. Gasps can be herd around the stadium.

Suddenly, the Dementors circle around them both and Y/N feels the silvery white light head towards her. She yells out in pain which causes her to let go of her broom and fall with Harry.

"No!!" Flo and Hermione yell out in fear

Harry and Y/N freefall, and drop through one cloud after the another. Plummeting through the circling Dementors. Y/N's eyes begin to shut as she falls to the ground below

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