Chapter 26 - End of Book 1

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The huge vertical doors burst open and Harry, trailed by the others, exits with the Firebolt. As he strides off, other students join the assembly. Hagrid, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle are among them curious to see what the commotion is all about. As Harry stops, an expectant hush hangs over the moment.

"Go on Harry," Jorden says

"Yeah. Let's see." Ron says.

Harry mounts the broom and places his hand on the broom. He sets his grip and takes a breath but frowns.

"What's wrong?" Flo asks

"I don't think it works. I think it's defective." Harry says. A collective groan and dejected, many of the kids begin to drift toward the castle. "Oh, come on now. It's just a broom." Harry calls after.

"Just a broom!" Ron says

Harry's eye shifts to Y/N and he winks. Y/N starts to smirk and Hermione eyes her curiously

"The fastest broom in the world." Jorden adds

Suddenly, Harry jets off and shoots straight into the blue sky on the Firebolt. He screams with joy as he flies.

"Who would've thought Harry would be such an actor," Hermione says and Y/N laughs

"He always seemed to have a flair for drama," Y/N says

"He'll fit in just fine with the Magnolis clan" Monica says and Y/N nods as they all look to spot Harry soaring through the sky.


"Welcome to home Harry," Y/N says as they come up to the Magnolis Manor.

Its the second week of summer with majority of the remaining school weeks involving Monica, Y/N and Harry filling out papers with the change of guardians which everyone found exhausting but worth it in the end. Harry and Monica started to grow on their relationship with Harry now comfortable enough to call her Aunt like Y/N.

"Y/N the house is massive" Harry says staring at the manor wide-eyed

The manor itself had a total of 22 rooms, which mainly consisted of bedrooms but other consisted of five bathrooms, two living rooms three offices, a kitchen and dining area, games room and one of Y/N favourite rooms the library.

"Wanna take a look inside" Y/N says and Harry nods and they make it into the main area. Suddenly two large dogs run up to Y/N tackling her to the ground attacking her with kisses "Benson, Dennis! I missed you two"

The two dogs then spot Harry and start to sniff him and they wag their tails excitedly "hello!" he says scratching the dogs behind the ears

"Harry, these are our two dogs Benson and Dennis, they're brothers, about three years old"

"They're so cute" Harry says "what breed are they"

"St Bernard" Y/N says "which means they're gonna get bigger"

Harry and Y/N laugh as they pet the two dogs "Miss Y/N you have arrived" a voice says as a house elf appears

"Zilpy, its lovely to see you" Y/N says as she tenerly shakes the house elf's hand

"Always a pleasure to greet Miss Y/N when she arrives home" Zilpy says then she spot "Harry Pottor, such an honour for Zilpy to greet Mr potter at Magnolis Manor"

"Hello Zilpy" Harry says and shakes the house elf's hand "you have a lovely home"

"Ms Magnolis always takes pride in the manor and makes sure it looks presentable always" Zilpy says and Harry nods

"Zilpy, Harry is going to be living with us now" Y/N says and Zilpy's eyes widen with surprise

"Such and honour to serve Mr Potter" Zilpy says and Harry smiles

"Please Zilpy call me Harry" and the house elf nods

"Of course Mr Harry, welcome home" Zilpy says and Y/N smiles

"Zilpy where is aunt Monica" Y/N says

"She's at the ministry" Zilpy replies "an important trade route got blocked and Ms Magnolis had to oversee it"

"Thank you Zilpy, I'll give Harry a house tour now" Y/N says and the house elf nods

"Of course Zilpy will be in her room, call if you need anything Miss Y/N and Mr Harry" the house elf says then apparates

"She's lovely" harry says and Y/N nods

"Zilpy has been with us since I was three" Y/N says "now on with tour"

Y/N shows Harry all of downstairs which consisted of the the main living room, kitchen and dining room, bathroom, games room and a smaller study. Next upstairs, was all the bedrooms and bathrooms, the library and smaller living room and study aswell, then the final floor which is Aunt Monica's study which takes up the entire floor.

Y/N leads Harry down to the second floor then opens one of the doors on the east wing closest to the window. They walk inside where their is a queen-sized bed and a small nook to read and look out of a baywindow. There is a desk in the corner and a walk in closet that stands empty. Adjacent to the closet is another door which Harry assumes is a bathroom. Harry spots some of his boxes and Hedwig in the centre of the room.

"This is your room" Y/N says and Harry looks around surprised

"Its massive" Harry says

"Harry you were living under the stairs once, any room will be bigger than that" Y/N says with a smiles and Harry laughs

"You have a fair point" the raven-haired boy says

"It's the same size as mine, but I'm on the west wing" Y/N says "Aunt Monica and I got you basic quilt covers and essentials for now but later on once you get more settled you can really make this room your own"

"Thank you" Harry says "this is a big improvement from the Dursley's attic"

"I still can't believe you slept under the stairs" Y/N says and Harry laughs "I'll leave you to get yourself sorted, I'll get Zilpy to find you when Aunt Monica returns"

Harry nods and Y/N leaves and walks to the west wing were her room is. Once she is inside she lies on her bed and sighs. It feels so good to be home. She looks up to her desk to see a small pile of letters on her desk. she talked the first one and opens it

Dear Y/N,

I hope you and Harry are doing well at the start of summer. I know its only been a week, but I can't help but miss you already. I find it so strange how we only started hanging out this year but I honestly can't imagine my life without you, Jorden or Flo.

I've got a few book recommendations from the muggle world that I thought you'd interested in. Maybe you could send me some of those songs we listened to when we studied. I actually kind of liked them only 'cause they make me think of you

- Yours sincerely, Hermione

Y/N smiles at Hermione's letter and she starts to believe that what her and Hermione have might not just be a little crush anymore.

Quickly Y/N writes a letter giving her a few song suggestions then calling her owl, Pheonix to send the letter. Y/N sighs as she looks out the window and she knows that her's and Harry's world is about to change.

Thank you so much for reading I hoped you enjoyed it. This is the end of Book one but don't worry you won't have to wait long for a second one as I have already started writing!!

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