Chapter 12 - Christmas at the Weasley's

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Harry, Y/N, Ron and the rest of the Weasley siblings get off the Hogwarts express onto platform 9 3/4. Y/N is only staying with the Weasley's for the first week of the holidays, then spending the rest with her aunt as she will be back from her trip to Egypt. Mrs Weasley is already waiting and she greets her children and Harry and turns to Y/N.

"Y/N it's lovely you meet you dear," she says with a warm smile and hugs Y/N tightly and the Ravenclaw girl reciprocates the embrace

"It's lovely to meet you too," Y/N says "and thank you for letting me stay for Christmas with your family"

"Please the more the merrier I say," the older Weasley says "now come on everyone we've got to take the floo network"


The Weasley clan plus Harry and Y/N finally make it to the Weasley's burrow. Their belongings had already been dropped off and Y/N heads inside the burrow and is greeted by Arthur Weasley

"Y/N its nice to see you again," Mr Weasley says "how's your aunt"

"She's good," Y/N says with a smile, "she told me to say thank you for letting me stay at your home for Christmas and I'm grateful for that too"

"It's nothing Y/N the more the merrier I say," Mr Weasley says "I've been looking forward to someone to come around and take interest muggle things"

"And I'd be happy to share," Y/N says and Mr Weasley smiles fondly

"Come on Y/N I'll take you to your room," Ron says and Y/N follows him up the stairs "you'll be in Ginny's room"

"Does she mind sharing?" Y/N says

"It's fine Y/N," Ginny says in the doorway "honestly I've been looking for some more girl company"

Y/N laughs "well I can imagine that it can be a lot handling all your brothers," Y/N says and Ginny laughs

"Oh you have no idea," Ginny says. Ron and Ginny leave Y/N to change and unpack a few of her belongings before joining downstairs for dinner.


It's Christmas Eve and Mrs Wealsey calls everyone down for dinner. The small dining room is filled with laughter and the food is amazing. Y/N has grown closer to the Weasley twins as they joke and laugh making fun of Ron who only grumbles.

Ginny has also warmed up to Y/N talking about classes but mainly Quidditch. During the day Y/N would teach Ginny a few moves and encouraged her to try out for the Gryffindor team.

Harry and Y/N didn't talk about what happened at The Three Broomsticks. It was more of an unspoken agreement to not talk about it and they two grew closer. To Y/N, Harry is like a sibling she never hand and to be honest never knew she needed.

"Come on Y/N give it a try," Fred says handing her a Bertie Bott's every flavour bean

"Not a chance Weasley I don't know what you've done to it," Y/N says back

"Oh come on you really think we would trick you" George adds and Y/N cautiously takes the bean

"I wouldn't put it past you two," Ginny says and Y/N puts it in her mouth and her face makes a sour expression

"Chilli Powder" Y/N coughs and gulps down her glass of water and the two Weasley boys laughs while Ginny tries to hide her laughter.

"Y/N would you some with me for a minute," Arthur Weasley says and Y/N nods and follows him out to the garage where Mr Weasley keeps some of his muggle artifacts.

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