Chapter 8 - Studying in the library

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Y/N sat in the library, with her charms book in hand and a potions book on the table. She was a bit behind on schoolwork because of quidditch practice taking off as well as the constant stress of her father being spotted close to the school. Needless to say, she's been finding it hard to focus. Y/N puts in her earphones to block out any sound as she reads.

"Y/N" a voice calls and the Ravenclaw girl looks up from her book to see a familiar Gryffindor girl standing at her table

"Hermione," Y/N says as she takes out her earphones "what are you doing here"

"Same as what your doing studying," the bushy-haired girl says and Y/N blushes slightly

"Right, well do you want to join me," Y/N asks and Hermione smiles

"Only if you want I don't want to distract you" Hermione says

Y/N chuckles "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want you here," Y/N says and Hermione laughs feeling kind of embarrassed

"Alright then," she says and sits next to Y/N and pulls out a similar charms book. Y/N puts in one earphone so she can still talk to Hermione without being rude. "so is charms your worst class"

"Not really" Y/N replies "I'm just trying to keep up with classes, with quidditch practise starting I haven't had a lot of time to study, or pay attention in class"

"Well that's a surprise for a Ravenclaw" Hermione smirks

Y/N looks up from her charms book and glances at the Gryffindor girl "cracking jokes already Granger" Hermione blushes and goes back to reading her book. "I'm a Ravenclaw because I'm curious and also it may have something to do with my mother"

"She was a Ravenclaw" Hermione asks and Y/N nods

"Her whole side of the family was," Y/N says. "I am pretty good in classes but I'm guessing you already know that"

"I do," Hermione says "what would your worst class"

"Potions," Y/N says with no hesitation "I swear Snape has some hidden hate towards me"

Hemione giggles "I think Snape hates everyone who isn't a Slytherin"

Y/N smiles and nods in agreeance "your probably right, but as you can see I'm purposely trying to avoid potions"

"Do you want any help" Hermione offers

"I can't ask you to do that, you probably have other things to study for," Y/N says shyly

Hermione smirks "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to"

Y/N smirks and looks into Gryffindor's honey-brown eyes "alright Granger"

The two spend the next hour going through potions. Y/N notices how passionate Hermione is about learning and she looks more relaxed now, she thinks it's something to do with helping her study. As they are writing notes down Hermione looks to Y/N noticing her deep in concentration.

Y/N sensing someone was watching her look up to meet Hermione's gaze "what," Y/N asks

"Nothing," Hermione says and Y/N looks at her with a look that says 'do I look stupid'. Hermione sighs "Ok it's just that, this might just sound weird"

"Try me," Y/N says and Hermione continues

"It's just even though we only started talking this year, I feel like I've known you since forever," Hermione says "does that sound weird"

"No, I don't think that sounds weird at all" Y/N says "usually I find it hard to open up to people, mainly because I'm related to an alleged mass murderer, but with you, I feel a strange sense of comfort"

"I get what you mean," Hermione says and Y/N nods and they go back to working in comfortable silence, with either girl talking just to ask a question. "Can I ask you a question"

"You just did Granger" Y/N Smirks and Hermione playfully slaps her arm

"Stop being so sarcastic" Hermione scolds

"Sorry it's just part of the charm" Y/N smirks and Hermione rolls her eyes

"You're insufferable sometimes Y/N"

"Only sometimes"

"Yes only sometimes," Hermione says and Y/N smiles "I was going to ask what you are listening to"

"Oh," Y/N says a bit surprised. She pulls out her phone on the table and Hermione looks at the song "here"

Hermione looks at the song "you listen to Muggle music"

"Umm yeah, I grew up with it," Y/N says "my aunt loves this type of stuff, gets along with Mr Weasley with Muggle things"

"Did you know the song is played in an iconic movie-"

"Yeah the Breakfast Club. It's not a bad movie" Y/N finishes Hermione stares at Y/N with a surprised expression. "what is that a bad thing"

"No, it's just that I'm surprised not many pure-bloods really know about this stuff," Hermione says a bit saddened

"It's true but ever since my aunty got me listening to this sort of music and grew sort of fascinated with the muggle world. I read books, watched movies and listened to very old 80's music apparently"

"You're full of surprises Y/N," Hermione says

"So are you Hermione," Y/N says with a smile and Hermione blushes

"Really hows so," the Gryffindor asks

"Well don't get mad but I always thought you were very stuck up because you're smart and well kind of a know-it-all in class," Y/N says "but even though you are smart, you are kind and humble but more importantly, you're brave"

"Brave I wouldn't go that far"

"But you are, you stuck by Ron and Harry in both first and second year and have been in danger multiple times already. Your mind makes you powerful and therefore brave"

Hermione stares at Y/N not knowing quite what to say "still I wouldn't go that far"

Y/N puts down her book "you know there is one thing that I would change about you"

"Alright was is it," Hermione says rolling her eyes expecting a sarcastic answer

"That I wish you had more confidence in yourself. I wish you could see yourself the way others see you" Hermione blushes but Y/N doesn't comment and goes back to reading. Y/N grabs the other earphone and offers it to Hermione "you want to listen"

Hermione smiles and takes the earphone and the two girls go back to studying in a comfortable silence

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