Chapter 13 - Jealous Maybe?

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Y/N is back from winter break and unpacking a few of her belongings into her dorm. She is meeting up with Hermione today and the Ravenclaw girl can't help but be excited to see the bushy-haired girl. Y/N puts on her Rvaneclaw quidditch sweater and heads down to the common room where she knows Hermione is waiting.

As Y/N walks down the stairs, she spots Hermione sitting and reading a book on the couch. Y/N smiles and makes her way towards the girl.

"Hey stranger," Y/N says and Hermione immediately turns around and smiles happily.

"Y/N it's so good to see you again," Hermione says and pulls Y/N into a bone-crushing hug "how as your break"

"It was pretty good, Christmas at the burrow was definitely fun but also going back home and spending time with my aunt was great as well" Y/N answers

"Well I want to hear all about it" Hermione says "how about we go for a walk"

"Alright," Y/N says and they leave the common room.

They both talk about their break, what they got up to and what they got for Christmas and how their New Year's went. Of course, Y/N's aunt had a massive New Years Gala and invited all her ministry friends as well as some of her friends from her time at Hogwarts. Mainly Y/N talked with Nymphadora Tonks who is Y/N's older cousin.

Tonks and Y/N get on well compared to her and Draco. They have the same sense of humour and also that sarcastic flair to them that makes their banter so great. Hermione laughs at the stories Y/N tells about the two trying to cook and how they nearly set the house on fire, but luckily the damage was easy to fix with a little bit of magic.

"She sounds great Y/N," Hermione says and the Ravenclaw girl smiles

"Yeah Tonks is great" Y/N replies and they both sit on a bench in the courtyard. There was still a bit of snow about as it was coming to the end of winter but the air was still cold and would nip at your skin. Hermione looked over at Y/N with curiosity. "what" Y/N asks

"Nothing" Hermione answers

"Come on Granger what bugging you" Y/N replies and Hermione huffs

"Nothing is bugging me it's just that I've always wanted to ask you this question but it might be a little personal" Hermione says shyly

Y/N smiles "Hermione we're friends now just ask the question"

Hermione still looks hesitant but she nods "when did you like know, well you know-"

"That I liked girls in romantic way" Y/N finishes and Hermione nods "well it's weird I came out last year but when looking back at my childhood, there were a few signs when I was younger."

Hermione nods but doesn't push further on Y/N's past "so did you like have a crush on anyone that made you realise"

Y/N sort of shrugs "movies and books definitely had an influence. It may sound weird but if I was watching a romantic comedy, I would see myself being the guy and getting the girl you know"

"I can understand that," Hermione says "But like did you ever have like a crush on Flo or something"

Y/N scrunches up her face "what no, Flo and I have always been friends since first year. I refuse to follow the had a crush on my best friend stereotype"

Hermione giggles "well my bad Flo is very pretty you know," Hermione says and Y/N frowns

"Yeah I guess so" Y/N shrugs

"What you don't think so" Hermione smirks "she's pretty, intelligent, witty what's not to love about her"

Y/N's jaw tightens and her throat feels like it's constricting making it hard to breathe. Does Hermione have a crush on Flo, her best friend Flo. The bushy-haired girl doesn't seem to notice Y/N's discomfort and the Ravenclaw girl forces herself to speak.

"Um yeah I guess didn't really notice til now" Y/N speaks and Hermione smiles like nothing happened but in Y/N's mind, her world had just been shattered into pieces.


"Hey Y/N," Flo says and Y/N doesn't acknowledge her friend and immediately starts pacing "what happened to you"

"Hermione happened that's what" Y/N snaps and Flo smirks

"So just a little crush huh has got you so tensed up," Flo says and Y/N frowns

"Shut up," Y/N says and jumps onto her bed. Flo laughs and lies next to her

"What happened," Flo asks sincerely and Y/N sighs

"She doesn't like me," Y/N says sadly and pouts

"And how do you know that," Flo says

"She wouldn't stop talking about how pretty you are and kept gushing about you non stop," Y/N says sitting up "all I could do is listen whilst my heart was practically breaking"

"Well I'm flattered by Hermione's words," Flo says and Y/N smacks a pillow to her face "ow!"

"Well clearly I'm not" Y/N pouts

"Hey well maybe explain the whole thing to me and I might help you figure this out" Flo says and Y/N sighs but nods

Y/N explains what her and Hermione talked about with Flo just nodding and listening "-so after we talked about that she went on about house elf rights and stuff like that but I wasn't really paying attention and I was too much in my own head about Hermione potentially liking you"

Flo nods but smiles "Y/N I think this is called jealousy"

"But I'm not jealous" Y/N retaliates

"Y/N you are because jealousy can make you feel and do stupid things," Flo says

"Ok I'm jealous, maybe," Y/N says and Flo sighs

"Well I don't think you have anything to worry about," Flo says "for one, I see me and Hermione being close friends nothing more and the second thing she talks about you a lot when you're not around"

Y/N smiles softly at this "really, your not just lying to make me feel better"

Flo scoffs "have I ever lied to you"

"Florence," Y/N says annoyed

"Ok I have but not about stuff that is important and this is important," Flo says and Y/N smiles

"Ok," Y/N says and hugs Flo "thank you for making me feel better"

"Anytime," Flo says "now pull out the stash of sweets and tell me about break"

Y/N laughs and pulls out a small stash of sweets from a drawer and the two talk about what they did over break and other mindless things they got up to.

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