Chapter 18 - Whomping Willow

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The sun begins to set, dropping behind the mountains in the distance. Y/N still holds Hermione close. A frenzied spray of crows stains the deep grey sky, their primal shrieking rising like a curse.

"Ow!" Ron suddenly calls out. A drop of blood hangs from his finger. Ron stares at his hand then at the blood running down his finger. "He bit me-" he says

Scabbers then drops to the ground and scatters away "Ron! No!" Flo says but Ron doesn't listen and chases after Scabbers with the group trailing behind.

Ron reaches the summit and disappears over the top with the group following behind. They reach the top of the ridge but stop.

"Y/N, you do realize what tree this is," Harry says

Ron nabs Scabbers, cradles him in his bloody palm. "Now behave yourself," he says as he kneels under the Whomping Willow.

"That's not good," Y/N says

"Ron! Run!" Harry yells and Ron spins as he looks toward Harry.

"Harry, Y/N run!" Ron yells back

Harry and Y/N's eyes shift. Bounding toward him in the gathering gloom is an enormous, pale-eyed, jet black dog.

Jorden grabs Flo and Hermione and pulls them out of the way. Harry shields himself and Y/N when suddenly the dog leaps over them.

"Aaaahhh!" Ron cries and the dog's teeth snap close on Ron's foot, dragging him towards the trunk. Jorden dashes forward and leaps out to grab Ron's hands but he and Ron just keep skidding along the ground.

"I've got you," Y/N says and grabs onto the Hufflepuff boy's feet, the three of them go scudding along

"Jorden, Y/N!" Ron yells. Jorden raises his chin. The dog vanishes into the gap at the base of the tree, begins to pull Ron through

"Hold on, Ron!" Jorden yells but it's no use. The dog is too powerful. Y/N glances around desperately, then finds himself looking directly into Ron's eyes. She can read his mind.

"No, Ron!" Y/N says and one by one, Ron releases his fingers from Jorden's forearm. Sacrificing himself.

"Ron!!!" Jorden cries yells but Ron closes his eyes, releases his hands fully from Jorden's arm and disappears. As his voice echoes deep into the earth, Jorden and Y/N rise, peer into the hole.

Whomp! The Whomping Willow sweeps first Y/N, then Jorden, into the air and thud, drops them on their backsides.

"Y/N, Jorden are you alright," Harry says as Fo helps Jorden to his feet and Y/N slowly stand up

"I'm fine" Y/n says staring at the Whomping Willow which has calmed down

"We have to save him," Flo says

"It's too dangerous if we all go" Jorden says "what if something bad happens to us"

Y/N nods "I'll go"

"Not by yourself, you not," Harry says

"I'm coming too," Hermione says

"Count me in," Jorden says but he clutches his side clearly in pain

"I'm sorry mate but you're already hurt," Y/N says

"We'll go back to the castle," Flo says "you guys go"

"Be safe please," Jorden says and Y/N nods and she looks to Harry and Hermione

"You ready" Y/N asks

"Let's go," Harry says and they run back toward the gap in the tree.

A branch swoops down and Hermione and Y/N duck but Harry doesn't. He is flung one way and his glasses the other. Hermione hops over another branch only to find herself swept high in the air by a second branch. Y/N spot's Harry searching the ground for his glasses.

"Y/N!" Hermione yells

"Hold on!" Y/N says and she looks up only to find a branch screaming straight down for her head. She rolls away just as the branch pulverises the ground. Hermione still clings on for dear life, and Y/N rises. Hermione goes crashing through the high branches.

Y/N spots Harry's glasses and quickly picks them up dodging the branches

"Harry!" Y/N says handing him his glasses and pushing him down the small hole in the tree's trunk

"Ahhh!" Harry's voices echoes

Y/N turns around only to find Hermione flying madly towards her. "Watch out" Hermione yells and reaches out to grabs Y/N's flannel.

"Ahhhh!" both of them scream

The two ride the branch in tandem, they boomerang back, hurtling toward the trunk of the tree, through the gap, and into the darkness below. Y/N hits the ground hard followed by Hermione who falls on top of her.

"Blimey Hermione" Y/N says as Hermione lies all her eight on top of Y/N.

"Sorry" Hermione winces but Y/N stiffly smiles and places her hand on Hermione's lower back. They both stare into each other's eyes with faint smiles on their lips.

"Y/N, Hermione are you alright," Harry asks

"We're fine," Hermione says as both of them are shaken from their thoughts. The Gryffindor girl looks to Y/N "Thanks"

"Don't mention it," Y/N says clearly in some discomfort. Hermione gently gets off Y/N and helps her to her feet.

"Lumos" Harry's says and the tip of his wand glows, which reveals a long, snaking tunnel

"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asks

"I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong" Harry says

The trio makes their way through the primitive passageway, ducking the roots that dangle overhead. Hermione takes Y/N's hand and Y/N gives it a reassuring squeeze. Then, abruptly, the tunnel ends. Confused, they glance about, then they peer up, a small opening. Harry reaches up, hoists himself through.

Harry pulls Y/N and Hermione up and looks about. Paper peels from the walls, stains suspiciously similar to dried blood blot the floorboards. Shattered furniture lies strewn everywhere.

"This is the shrieking shack isn't it" Y/N says

Harry nods and lowers his wand, the glow starting to fade. Slowly, they step to the door and Y/N and Harry exchange a look. Y/N nods, wand ready and Hermione raises her wand as well and looks to Harry.

"We do this together," Y/N says and Harry nods then kicks the door aside. Ron sits upon a sagging bed, clutching his bloody foot.

"Ron you're alright," Hermione says relieved

"The dog, where's the dog-" Harry says

"-He's the dog." Ron says petrified "It's a trap Harry, he's an Animagus!"

Y/N looks down, follows the paw prints on the floor to a pair of filthy human feet. Y/N looks up slowly at the man standing in the shadows. Filthy, matted hair hangs to his shoulders. His skin looks like a corpse.

Sirius Black

He studies Y/N's face keenly then looks to Harry who raises his wand

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!" Y/N says

"No. Only one will die tonight" Sirius Black says

"Then it'll be you!" Harry says as he lunges at the man.

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