Chapter 20 - Full Moon

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As Pettigrew emerges from the gap, in the Whomping Willow, he prattles desperately.

"Turn me into a maggot. A dung beetle. A Flobberworm! Anything but to the Dementors" he says panicking. Then Ron emerges "Ron! Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat"

As Ron draws back in disgust, a sleepwalking Snape bumps his head against a low limb. Hermione turns to Y/N.

"Don't worry. He's under the somnambulist charm. It's primarily used to transport the seriously deranged." Hermione says and Y/N nods. Pettigrew's pleading eyes find Hermione.

"Sweet girl. Clever girl. Surely you won't let them-"

Hermione tugs her robes from Pettigrew's sweaty grasp. Y/N turns, sees her father staring in wonder at the castle, shining radiantly under the bright bowl of the night sky. Y/N and Harry both make their way over to him.

"Beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again. Freely." Sirius says in a nostalgic tone and looks at Y/N and Harry "That was a noble thing you did back there. He doesn't deserve it."

"I don't reckon my father would want his best friends to become killers for a worthless piece of vermin like Pettigrew," Harry says "Besides: Dead, the truth dies with him. Alive, you're free."

"I don't know if you know Harry, Y/N but when you were born, James and Lily made me your godfather," Sirius says

"We know," Harry says

"And, well, I'll understand if you choose to stay with your aunt and uncle, but, so you know, you could-"

"Stay with you and Y/N," Harry says with a smile

"When" Y/N says with the same expression as Harry

"As a oon as my name's cleared," Sirius says with a smile "Harry do you mind if you leave me and Y/N to talk"

"Sure" Harry says and joins Ron and Hermione. Y/N stands next to her father.

"There wasn't a day that I didn't think about you," Sirius says with tears welling in his eyes "I can understand if you hate me-"

"I don't," Y/N says "I grew up knowing that you were innocent, Aunt Monica-"

"Ahh yes Monica," Sirius says "how is she"

"She's good," Y/N says

"Y/N I'm so sorry that you were without a father in your life," Sirius says "and I really hope to hope to change that but i have to ask one thing"

"What is it?" Y/N says

"Were you happy growing up?"

Y/N smiles "for the most part yes, Aunt Monica always did her best and I'm thankful for her taking me in and raising me, I've made friends but it was hard at first with my last name but yeah, I grew up happy, I just missed you"

"I missed you too," Sirius says and Y/N hugs him "I love you so much"

"I love you too dad" Y/N says with tears in her eyes

"Y/N!" Hermione yells breaking up the tender moment

They both turn to see Hermione staring at the full moon. Y/N's eyes shift to Lupin who is a rigid silhouette, his fingers twitching.

"Remus old friend, did you take your potion tonight?" Sirius asks. Lupin, twitching, shakes his head. Pettigrew's eyes dart, taking in the situation. "Run all of you now."

But none of them go, transfixed, watching as bristles poke through Lupins skin. Black steps forward wraps his arms around his friend, presses his mouth to his ear.

"Dad!" Y/N says but Ron and Harry hold her back from approaching.

"You know the man you truly are, Remus. This flesh is only flesh." Sirius says "This heart is where you truly live. This heart! Here!"

As Lupin's wand drops, Pettigrew leaps.

"No!" Harry shouts flashing his wand "Expelliarmus!"

Lupin's wand flies from Pettigrew's hand and he freezes. Then slowly turns. Face blank, eyes closed, he grins hideously and transforms. Stunned, Harry watches a rat dart into the night.

A howl pierces through the air and the group turn. With a shrug, Lupin tosses Black into the air, then turns. He is no longer human. He's a werewolf. Harry, Y/N and Hermione begin to edge back.

"Professor?" Hermione speaks

The werewolf's eyes blaze and long teeth glitter. Then a horrifying growl erupts from its throat. Harry, Y/N and Hermione begin to flee towards Ron but run flat into Snape. As they collapse in a great clumsy pile, Snape's eyes flutter open, the spell broken. Seeing Hermione atop him, he sweeps her aside

"Out of the way!" Snape says and finds the werewolf preparing to pounce.

Leaping to his feet, Snape draws his wand and steps forward, shielding Hermione, Y/N, Harry and Ron. The werewolf howls and sprints forward when suddenly, a giant dog intercepts it in midair.

It's Sirius

They hit the ground in a fierce tangle of flashing teeth, a single horrible flailing beast. Again and again, the dog pushes the werewolf back, but the werewolf is too strong.

"Sirius!" Harry yells

"Dad!" Y/N yells

Sirius yelps and roars in pain. The werewolf flings him into the tall grass. As it charges after Sirius, Harry pushes past Snape and dashes into the night. Y/N follows close behind. Hermione makes to follow, but Snape holds her back.

"Harry! Y/N!" Hermione yells after them

Harry and Y/N run full out. Up ahead, framed against a full moon, they spot the dog, lying inert, the werewolf's razor-sharp claws suspended over its neck.

"NO!!!" Y/N yells

Desperately, Harry plucks a thick stick from the ground and hurls it with all his might. Bull's-eye, it hits the werewolf right on its snout. The werewolf freeze and begins to move toward Harry and Y/N. They both draw their wands, terrified, but determined as well, knowing Lupin dwells somewhere within the beast.

"Please, Professor. Stop, It's Harry and Y/N." Harry says calmly

Suddenly, a howl pierces the night. The werewolf falters, cocking its head toward the forest. Harry and Y/N wait, both petrified. The werewolf's eyes shift back to them. It snarls and moves closer, ready to kill. Harry holds Y/N close and Y/N does the same hoping to shield each other.

Then a second howl echoes high above the forest. Slowly, Y/N lets go of Harry and looks. The werewolf bounds toward the forest and vanishes. Harry's eyes shift.

In the darkness, the wounded dog lurches through the tall grass. It falls, Rises, falls again, each time becoming more human. As he disappears over the ridge, Harry and Y/N sprint after.

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