chapter 11 - discovering the truth

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The group trudge through the snow and make it back into Hogsnaede. Harry uses Hermione's scarf and Ron's hat to disguise himself. The raven haired boy explains to everyone how he made it to Hogsmade and the group listen intently

"Those weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map!" Ron says

"But Harry isn't going to keep it." Hermione says "He's going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall, aren't you?"

"Oh sure. Along with his invisibility cloak," Y/N says

"Or his pack of exploding snap cards, his-" Ron adds

"-Oh shut up" Hermione says with a grin

Up ahead Cornelius Fudge emerges from a ministry sleigh as Hagrid swings the door clear and with unfortunate ease, rips it clean off the fittings. Fudge joins McGonagall and a curvy barmaid outside the Three Broomsticks Pub

"That's Madam Rosmerta." Flo says to Harry "Ron fancies her."

"It's not true!" Ron says but his face blushes and Flo and Hermione laugh

"Shhh" Y/N says listening to the conversation up ahead

"I trust business is good?" Fudge asks

"It'd be a right sight better if the Ministry wasn't sending Dementors into my pub every other night." Madam Rosmerta says

"We have a killer on the loose" Fudge says

"Sirius Black? In Hogsmeade! And what would bring him here?" Madam Rosmerta asks

"Harry Potter" Fudge whispers

"Harry Potter" Madam Rosmerta repeats a little louder and Fudge motions her to be quiet. Fudge looks around nervously, then jerks his head toward the pub. As he leads Rosmerta and McGonagall inside.

"Harry?" Ron says

"Y/N?" Flo asks but and Y/N just look to each other

"Care to find out what the ministry is up to Y/N" Harry asks

"Right behind you Harry" Y/N says and the two fit under Harry's invisibility cloak

"Y/N what are you doing" Flo says

"Something stupid" Y/N replies "go on we'll catch up"

The others nod and Harry and Y/N head towards The Three Broomsticks. As they thread through the teeming pub, a wizard's arm whips down and a dart goes whistling right toward Harry's eyes. Harry and Y/N duck and the dart pierces the cork of the disfigured dartboard behind him.

The two hurry on, trailing Fudge and McGonagall up a dark stairwell as Rosmerta leads them into a small back room. As the door starts to close, Harry and Y/N rush forward and make it inside. The two listen closely as they speak.

"Come on then. Let's hear it." Madam Rosmerta says

"Years ago, when Harry Potter's parents were marked for death, they went into hiding. Few knew where they were. One who did was Black, and he told-" McGonagall trails oof

"You-Know-Who. I've heard this rot. It was all over The Daily Prophet back in the day, and I'll say now what I said then: Of all the boys I ran out of here, Black's the last who would've gone over to the dark side. Hearsay. That's all the Ministry had. Hearsay." Madam Rosmerta says

" Ha! Tell that to Peter Pettigrew!" Fudge says

"Peter Pettigrew?" McGonagall questions "Little lump of a boy? Always tagging after Black and-"

"I remember him." Madam Rosmerta says "What's he got to do with it?"

"After the Potters were killed, Pettigrew went looking for Black. And, unfortunately, found him" McGonagall explains

"Black was vicious. He didn't kill Pettigrew. He destroyed him." Fudge says "A finger. That's all that was left. A finger, there's your hearsay."

Rosmerta looks to McGonagall. She nods grimly. "Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the Potters, but he's the reason they're dead. And now he wants to finish what he started"

"But what about Black's daughter, her mother died the very same night as the Potter's at the hand of the dark lord" Madam Rosmerta says

"Sirius made a deal with the devil siding with You-Know-Who. what happened to Audrey and Y/N is a result of that" Fudge says "But that's not the worst of it. In this story"

"What could be worse" Madam Rosmerta says

"Sirius Black was and remains today, Harry Potter's godfather."

Y/N notices Harry hold his breath and Y/N gently touches the boy's shoulder mentioning him to move they nod and follow being McGonagall


Y/N lifts the invisibility coat off the the two of them and Harry wonders off he has tears in his eyes and Y/N isn't too far behind him.

She found out the truth and it wasn't what she was hoping. Her father betrayed his friends left Potter's parents and her mother. How could someone do that.

Harry sits at the end of a rocky outcrop with Y/N sitting on a nearby tree root to give Harry some much needed space. He stares into the mist, eyes stinging with tears.

Suddenly footprints can be herd and Y/N looks up to see her friends looking at the two of them with sympathetic looks in their eyes. Hermione kneels down next to Harry and Flo kneels to Y/N.

"He was their friend, and he betrayed them. He was their friend." Harry cries

Y/N's eyes harden "he's not the man I thought he was" Y/N mutters to Flo and she wipes her tears. "Harry I'm so sorry-"

"It's not your fault" Harry says "You didn't ask for this and neither did I"

"But I asked for the truth and we found it" Y/N says and Harry nods

"It's ok Y/N and not angry at you" Harry says wiping the tears from his eyes

Y/N smiles and hugs Harry tightly "At least we gained one good thing from this"

"What" Harry asks

"A family member that I actually like other than my aunt of course" Y/N says and Harry laughs

"Wait what!" the group says surprised

"Sirius Black is my Godfather" Harry says and the group look at both of them shocked

"Blimey Y/N does that make you and Harry sort of like cousin's" Jorden asks

"I think so I'm not too sure in how family relations work" Y/N says and Harry nods

"I'm happy with cousins" Harry says and Y/N smiles

She moves away from the group and her expression hardens. She looks out to the snowy hills and the thick mist below.

Y/N wipes her eyes "I hope he finds me. My father, but when he does, I'm going to be ready. When he does, I'm going to kill him." Y/N says coldly and the group stare at Y/N in shock before Jorden holds Y/N's hand

"I think we should all go back now" Jorden says "It's starting to get dark"

Y/N nods and Harry stands up and walks up to Y/N. without any hesitation he wraps his arm around her. Y/N is slightly taken aback but returns the embrace.

"You lost your mother that night," he says "when Sirius Black comes we'll face him together"

Y/N nods and let's go "we should get going" she says and the group walk back to Hogwarts

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