Chapter 15 - Forgiveness

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Classes were all over and Y/N spent the whole 2 days not talking to anyone one of her friends, especially avoiding Ron's gaze. She knew that her friends were watching her but the Ravenclaw girl couldn't care less, she just wanted to be alone. Y/N had the music on her earphones on high as she went through her astronomy homework. Suddenly two people sit down next to her and Y/N doesn't need to look knowing that it's Flo and Jorden.

"Y/N" Flo says calmy and the other Ravenclaw girl doesn't respond

"Y/N please talk to us," Jorden says

"We gave you space for the past two days" Flo adds

Y/N sighs and lowers the volume of her music "you're not the ones I want an apology from"

"Ron's sorry-" Jorden says

"Then why isn't he here," Y/N retaliates

"He is," Flo says pointing to a nearby table and Y/N spots Harry, Hermione and Ron all sitting together

"You know Ron, he's too proud to confront you first," Jorden says

Y/N smirks "yeah but he doesn't know I'm worse"

"That's very true," Flo says and they all laugh "please come and join us"

"We miss you" Jorden adds

Y/N smiles softly "I miss you guys too"

"Now that's my girl" Jorden adds "come on lets all head over to the golden trio"

Y/N collects her belongings and make their way over to Harry, Hermione and Ron. Flo and Jorden sit beside Ron and Harry and Y/N next to Hermione.

"Y/N, your back" Hermione says surprised

"Why, did you miss me Granger," Y/N says with a smirk and Hermione smiles

"I didn't miss your attitude," the Gryffindor replies and Y/N laughs

"So just my good looks then," Y/N says back and the group laughs and Hermione blushes slightly. Immediately some of the tension in the group leaves.

"Y/N I'm sorry for what I said" Ron speaks "I didn't mean any of it I swear-"

"It's fine Ron I know," Y/N says "I'm sorry too for not being more concerned about your rat.

"It's no big deal Y/N," Ron says "so we cool"

Y/N smiles "buy me some pumpkin pasties and we'll be good"

Ron smiles too "you've got yourself a deal Y/N"

The group then talk about their classes Harry and Jorden talking about their mutual hate for Professor Snape, Ron and Flo about how bogus Divination which leaves Hermione and Y/N to talk

"So astronomy" Hermione says

"Yeah it's one of my favourite subjects keeps my mind off things," Y/N says

"Can I read it with you," Hermione asks

"Sure," Y/N says and Hermione scoots closer and nestles her head on Y/N shoulder. The Ravenclaw girl offers her the other earphone which she takes and places in her ear and the two read in comfortable silence both joining in on the group's conversation when necessary.

Y/N looks up to meet Harry gaze and he looks at her curiously eyeing the two girls. Hermione is oblivious to this and Y/N is thankful for it. Y/N sends Harry a silent look which tells him not now.

The raven-haired boy smirks and goes back into conversation with Ron, Jorden and Flo. Y/N feels completely happy enjoying time with her friends again but mainly spending time with a certain Gryffindor girl


The next day Hagrid invites the group to the black lake to talk about Buckbeak and his trial. The Half-giant stands knee-deep in the shallows of the still lake, skimming rocks as big as flagstones across the water's shiny gloss. As he turns, the group who are sitting close by catch a brief sight of his eyes, red with tears before he looks away.

"How'd it go, Hagrid?" Flo asks

"Buckbeak liked London," Hagrid says with a sombre sigh leaving his breath

"I think she meant the hearing" Y/N adds

"Oh that. Well, I got up an' said my bit, you know, how. Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff an' as long as yeh treated 'im with respect, he'd treat you the same. Then Lucius Malfoy got up an' said his bit, you know how Buckbeak was a deadly dangerous beast that no teacher in their righ' mind would expose their student's to-"

"And" Y/N cuts him off just wanting him to get to point but dreading the answer and Hagrid slings another rock into the water.

"You mustn't blame yourself Hagrid," Hermione says

"It's Draco the committee should punish. They should send him off to the forest, not Buckbeak." Flo adds

"Buckbeak's not going back to the forest" Hagrid finally says

"Where's he going, Hagrid?" Jorden asks a little sceptically and the group already know the answer

"He asked fer the worse, yeh see, Lucius Malfoy did. An' the committee granted it. Buckbeak's 'bin sentenced ter death." Hagrid says as he starts to sob

"I'm sorry Hagrid, Buckbeak doesn't deserve this" Harry says trying to comfort the half-giant

The rest of the group stay silent and Hagrid finally pulls himself together "sorry bout that" he says "but thank you Harry, thank all of you for caring"

"Of course Hagrid you're our friend," Flo says

"As if I couldn't hate the Malfoy's even more," Ron says

"Welcome to the club" Y/N adds

"Well you all should be off now it's almost nightfall," Hagrid says and the group all walk back to Hagrid's hut before walking up to the castle.

"We should be their for him when it's time for Buckbeak's execution" Flo says and Harry nods

"I agree too" Harry adds "Hagrid will need our support"

"Alright we head to his hut a little earlier to check up on him" Y/N says and everyone agrees

Classes were all done for today so Y/N went back to the Ravenclaw common room to write a letter to her aunt. She hadn't wrote to her in a while and now would be a good time to fill her in on the trial as well as all the other things she is learning like the Patronus charm and filling her in on her friends and how they are doing

Eventually when she was done, she went up to the owlery and attached the letter to one of the Magnolis owls. She gently stroked the birds light brown feathers and gently tossed it over the balcony's edge and the owl took flight.

She stayed there for a while finally getting a moments peace. Her thought drifted to Mr Weasley, when the time comes you'll be ready he said to her on Christmas Eve. She just hopes that it's true cause the Ravenclaw girl can't help but feel like this is the calm before the storm.

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