Chapter 23 - Saving Sirius

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"Right," Y/N says "so how do we planning to save my dad"

Hermione looks at Y/N "No idea"

"After Hagrids we went to the Whomping Willow. We should wait there" Y/N suggests

"Alright," Hermione says and they make it to the edge of the forest where they can see the Whomping Willow. The tree thrashes and Hermione and Y/N disappear down the hole. Suddenly another figure approaches the tree. "Look. It's Lupin."

As the Whomping Willow begins to thrash its violence oddly muted at this distance, Lupin takes a stick, pokes a knot on the trunk. Instantly, the Willow calms.

"Well that would've been useful the first time 'round," Y/N says and Hermione rolls her eyes

"Here comes Snape," Hermione adds as Lupin disappears into the gap at the base of the tree. Then Snape makes his way down the slope. "And now we wait"

"Now we wait" Y/N repeats as the two sit down against a thick tree trunk. Y/N finds the silence deafening. "Want to play a game whilst we wait"

"What were you thinking," Hermione asks curiously

"Um, I dunno. What about 20 questions" Y/N suggests

Hermione giggles "alright I'll start. Favourite colour"

Y/N scoffs "oh that's a tough one," she says sarcastically and Hermione shoves her arm "alright it's blue, yours"

"I've liked the colour red, but not bright red like more of a deep red" Hermione says and Y/N nods

"Alright favourite movie"

"Easy Titanic," Hermione says and looks at her unimpressed

"Really," she says and Hermione scoffs

"What's wrong with it," Hermione asks

"Nothing, I just think it's a little overrated" Y/N says "the only reason people watch it is because of Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio"

"Whatever, what's yours then"

"The Notebook," Y/N says and Hermione looks at her surprised "What it's a good movie, a classic romance better than the Titanic"

"Ok it is a good movie but Titanic is better," Hermione says and Y/N rolls her eyes "what's your favourite Honeydukes sweet"

"Ooo that's a good one," Y/N says "I like sugar quills, you"

"Same sugar quills are my favourite, also pumpkin pasties"

"Everyone loves pumpkin pasties" Y/N replies and Hermione smiles "what's your favourite hobby, other than reading"

Hermione thinks for a second "It's not really a hobby but my parents and I go camping in the summer or over the Christmas break. Does that count"

Y/N smiles "that sounds nice, wouldn't have picked you for the camping type"

"What can I say 'don't judge a book by its cover'. But what about you, what's your favourite hobby other than Quidditch," Hermione asks

Y/N blushes nervously "I play music"

Hermione looks at her surprised "you do"

"Yeah I have a guitar and a piano at home"

"Can you sing aswell"

"Well according to Ron and Harry I can"

"What! They got to hear you sing before I did," Hermione says slightly annoyed

"It was at Christmas," Y/n says "I got a guitar from my aunt and they asks me to play"

"But you haven't even played to Jorden or Florence" a Hermione asks and Y/N shakes her head "why"

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