Chapter 3 - Divination

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Y/N, Flo and Jorden sit on fat little pouffes in a murky, incense-laden room, along with other third years from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

"Welcome, my children." Professor Trelawney says "In this room, you shall explore the mysterious art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess the Sight. Together, we shall cast ourselves into the future. But know this. One either has the Gift or not. It cannot be divined from the pages of a book. Books only cloud one's Inner Eye."

"Oh what a load of rubbish," Jorden says under his breath. Y/N tries to hod in her laughter whilst Flo rolls her eyes

"You, boy!" Professor Trelawney says to Jorden "Is your grandmother well?"

"Well -I um, I believe so" the Hufflepuff states

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." the professor states

"What?" Jorden says confused but in a panicked tone.

Flo gently wacks him with her book "Just shut up and pay attention"

"The first term will be devoted to the reading of tea leaves. If all goes well, we will proceed to palmistry, fire omens, and finally, the crystal ball."

"This woman is mental" Y/N whispers to Jorden and he nods in agreeance

"Well then. Shall we begin" the professor says and the class begins.

Inside the cup, a cloud of tea leaves mutates oddly. Y/N sits opposite Jorden. He frowns at the leaves and consults the symbols in the textbook, unfogging the Future. Trelawney walks around the room.

"Broaden your minds, my dears and allow your eyes to see, beyond," she says and Y/N rolls her eyes "What do you see in Miss Black's cup, Mr Finch?"

Jorden stares at the cup "Well, she's got a wonky sort of cross, that's trials and suffering. But this lot here could be the sun, that's great happiness. So, she's going to suffer but be very happy about it."

Y/N puts her head in her hands, wanting to save herself from embarrassment. Flo looks over to the two of them and giggles. Suddenly, Professor Trelawney screams and drops Y/N's cup

"What is it professor," a Ravenclaw girl asks

"My dear girl," the Professor says "you have the Grim"

Jorden turns to the page "Taking the form of a giant spectral dog, it is among the darkest omens in our world. It is an omen, of death." he says

Y/N peers into her cup. The tea leaves shift and the dog disappears. A new image emerges slowly.

"Professor something else is emerging," Y/N says

"What else do you see," the professor asks

She looks into the cup and the image appears so clearly. Sirius Black. Y/N looks up to Professor Trelawney's face filled with anticipation. Y/N covers the cup

"It was my mistake Professor, I saw nothing" Y/N replies and Jorden looks at her sceptically

"Very well" the professor says and makes her way round the deadly quiet classroom


"Y/N what did you see," Jorden says as the three of them make it out of the divination class

"I saw nothing" Y/N replies as they make their way back to the great hall

"That's a load of rubbish" Flo adds holding Y/N's shoulder to stop her from walking

"Y/N please," Jorden asks

eventually, Y/N sighs "I saw my father"

the other two look at each other with concerned expressions "Y/N i think we should tell Dumbledore"

"No" Y/N replies "no one needs to know"

Jorden and Flo look at each other before nodding "alight, but please consider telling Dumbledore. I don't want you to get hurt"

Y/N smiles and hugs her two best friends "fine I will, but its divination, that stuff is a load of rubbish anyway"

"You've got that right" Jorden says and they all make it towards the great hall


Flo, Y/N and Jorden make their way to the Hufflepuff table and sit down for dinner. Flo and Jorden are off talking about quidditch and potions whilst Y/N sat there in deep thought.

She couldn't shake the thought of everything that has happened over this past week. The dementors on the train, the grim and the image of her dad in divination. These can't be all coincidences.

"Death omens. Honestly. If you ask me, Divination's a bunch of nonsense" Granger's voice drifts through Y/N's ears. she looks to where her voice came from and she sees her walk in with Ron and Harry.

'Death Omens, so I wasn't the only one'

"Hey Seamus" Y/N calls and the Gryfindor boy turns around and walks over to them

"Yeah, what do you want" he replies

"Who got the Death Omen in divination," Y/N asks

Seamus scoffs "You do think, Potter of course" and the boy walks away

Suddenly, Flo nudges Y/N "what was that about"

"I overheard Hermione talking to Ron and Harry about someone getting the Grim"

"And let me guess it was Potter" Jorden says and Y/N nods

"This can't be just coincidence" Y/N says

"Y/N's right" Flo says "I think that you and Harry are both linked to Sirus Black"

"And I want to find out why" Y/N says

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