Chapter 22 - Retracing steps

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Y/N and Hermione come to a mad, huffing halt as they reach the bridge both being careful to not get seen.

"Hermione! Will you please tell me what it is we're doing?!" Y/N asks but Hermione holds up a hand, silencing her. Annoyed, Y/N follows her gaze and blinks in disbelief. Across the grounds, she sees herself, along with Hermione, Harry, Flo, Jorden and Ron about to confront Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. "But that- that's- us. This is not normal."

Hermione turns to Y/N and holds out her hourglass pendant "This is a time-turner, Y/N. McGonagall gave it to me first term. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year."

"So Ron wasn't imagining it when he said you came out of nowhere," Y/N says and Hermione nods "So we're back in time right now"

"Yes. Dumbledore wanted us to return to this moment. Clearly, something happened he wants us to change." Hermione says and a soft smack is heard. They turn, see Malfoy land on the ground

"Good punch," Y/N says and Hermione smiles

"Thanks," the Gryffindor girl says then looks back to the Malfoy and his goons "it really did feel amazing"

Y/N smiles warmly at the bushy-haired girl and squeezes her hand a little tighter "Hurry!   Malfoy's coming!" She whispers and pulls Hermione under the bridge. Seconds later, footsteps clamour over their heads.

"Not a word of this to anyone understood! I'll get that jumped-up Mudblood one of these days. Mark my words" Draco's voice says

Hermione's eyes narrow in anger. She leans out, reaches up to send Malfoy sprawling but Y/N pulls her back. Malfoy looks around in confusion, then dashes off with the others.

"You are more what my cousin says," Y/N says "I know you know that too, so try not to let what he says affect you"

Hermione smiles and hugs Y/N tightly "thank you," Hermione says "Sometimes I just need to be reminded"

"And I'm happy to keep reminding you" Y/N smirks. Seconds later, they emerge and they marvel at the sight of themselves, Harry, Jorden, Flo and Ron heading down the slope to Hagrid's hut. Her eyes shift to the pumpkin patch. "Look.    Buckbeak's still alive."

"Of course! Remember what Dumbledore said. If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared." Hermione says

"Buckbeak? But how will saving Buckbeak help my dad?" Y/N asks and Hermione shrugs

"I guess we'll see," Hermione says

As Buckbeak feasts on a ferret, Y/N and Hermione duck behind a pile of pumpkins. Peering into the hut, Y/N sees Hermione and Ron embrace awkwardly. She grins and turns, only to find Hermione analyzing the moment with considerable fascination. Then Y/N gets caught staring

"What," Hermione says

"Nothing" Y/N answers and looks toward the slope to see Fudge and the others approaching in a cloud of crows "Here they come. We better hurry-"

"No! Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free!" Hermione says and Y/N nods and then looks toward the hut. Inside, Hagrid is handing Scabbers to Ron. The Ravenclaw starts to rise but Hermione grabs her.

"No, Y/N You can't!" Hermione says fiercely

"Hermione, that's the man who betrayed my parents! Betrayed Harry's! You don't expect me to just sit here-"

"Yes! You Must!" Hermione snaps "Y/N, you're in Hagrid's hut right now. If you go bursting inside, you'll think you've gone mad. Awful things can happen when wizards meddle with time. We can't be seen." Hermione turns and watches Fudge and the others drawing closer. She frowns, glances into the hut. "Fudge is coming and we're not leaving. Why aren't we leaving?"

Just then on the ground beside her, Hermione notices a jagged star-shaped stone. Instantly, she grabs it, rises, and hurls it through the open window. Smash! The sound of a glass jar shattering is heard within the hut.

"Are you mad?" Y/N whispers but Hermione ignores her, swiftly whistling a second stone through the window and hits the back of Y/N's head. "That hut you know"

"Sorry," Hermione says sympathetically.

"It's fine, gotta say it was a nice throw. I'm impressed" Y/N says and Hermione smiles and Y/N could swear she could see a faint blush appear on her cheeks.

Crows begin to drop atop the roof as Fudge's party arrives and knocks on the door. "C'mon. Any minute now we're going to be coming out the back door" Quickly, Hermione and Y/N dash into the trees directly behind them just in time to see themselves along with the others exit the back door and slip behind the pumpkin pile. As Fudge appears at the window and picks his nose as before, Hermione ponders the back of her own head. "Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?"

Y/N pulls Hermione close and uses her hand to cover her mouth "Shh!" Y/N sees past Hermione turn. Y/N accidentally stirs the branches, then peeks out and sees past Hermione staring curiously at the branches dancing oddly. Next, she hears her voice.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw, never mind." She says

Y/N and Hermione watch themselves start up the slope. The coast clear, Y/N takes her hand away from Hermione's mouth, they both stare into each other's eyes before they slip out of the trees. "Thanks for the save," Hermione says

"Anytime, Granger" Y/N says with a smirk

"Now, Y/N" Hermione says and Y/N vaults into the patch. The crows stir, cawing at her ankles and pecking at her feet.

As Y/N approaches, Buckbeak studies her curiously, a ferret leg dangling from his beak. Y/N bows. The ferret leg disappears and Buckbeak returns Y/N's nod. As she takes Buckbeak's chain, a flint-eyed crow pecks her hand.

"Get away!" Y/N waves the crow away, yanks hard on Buckbeak's chain. "C'mon, Buckbeak. Come on" but the Hippogriff refuses to move.

Y/N pulls at the chain, straining mightily when suddenly, Hermione pops up, bows quickly, and dangles a dead ferret before Buckbeak.

"Here, Buckbeak. Come and get the nice dead ferret" Hermione says

Y/N looks at her as if she's mad, but it's working. As Buckbeak trots after, the crows scatter. Y/N and Hermione lead Buckbeak away when the back door suddenly opens. They freeze and caught Fudge's eyes drifting their way when Dumbledore raises his hand and directs the attention of the others away from Buckbeak. The two girls shoo Buckbeak along and disappear into the forest, just as Dumbledore concludes his reverie.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Fudge says. Y/N and Hermione find a view unobstructed by low trees as they watch the Executioner approach the pumpkin patch and stop. Quickly, the confusion in his masked eyes turns to anger. "But where is it? I just saw the beast not moments ago. Hagrid?"

"Buckbeak" Hagrid calls. Hearing Hagrid's husky voice, Buckbeak strains at his tether and whimpers eerily. Hermione tosses him another ferret.

"How extraordinary!" Dumbledore says partly amused

"Come now, Dumbledore. Someone's obviously released him." Fudge says

"Professor, I swear! I didn't!" Hagrid says

"I'm quite sure the Minister isn't suggesting that you had anything to do with it, Hagrid. How could you? You've been with us all along." Dumbledore says

"We should search the grounds-" Fudge suggests

"Search the skies if you must, Minister. In the meantime, I wouldn't say no to a cup of tea, Hagrid. Or a large brandy." Dumbledore says and he turns to the Executioner "It seems your services will no longer be required."

The Executioner lifts his blade and with a brutal fury, plunges it into the flesh of a pumpkin with a sickening chop! The crows scatter to the skies.

"Now what?" Y/N asks turning to Hermione

"We save Sirius," Hermione says

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