Chapter 19 - Confrontation

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" Harry!   No!" Hermione says

Just then, footsteps can be heard. Black wheels toward the door and Harry eyes Black, wand hand shaking violently. As Sirius turns back, he stops, regards Harry cautiously.

"Going to kill me, Harry?" Sirius says

"If he doesn't I will," Y/N says and Black stares at Y/N as if he was staring at a memory. Y/N raises her wand, suddenly, the door crashes open and Professor Lupin steps in.

"Professor Lupin" Harry, Ron, Hermione and Y/N all day surprised

Lupin ignores them, eying Black intensely. "Looking a bit ragged, aren't we, Sirius? Finally the skin reflects the madness within." the Professor says

"You'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?" Sirius Black says. The two regard each other, the moment taut with tension, then Lupin steps forward and embraces Black like a brother.

"No! I trusted you! I covered up for you. And all this time you've been his friend!" Hermione yells in utter disbelief

"What do you mean Hermione" Y/N says

"He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!" Hermione explains. Harry, Y/N and Ron stare, dumbfounded, at Lupin. Black howls bitterly amused. Lupin eyes him, then turns back.

"How long have you known?" Lupin asks eerily calm

"Since Professor Snape set the essay." Hermione answers

"You're the brightest witch of your age Hermione," Lupin says

"Yes, you glow like the sun. And you howl at the moon. Enough talk! He dies. Now. If you won't do it with me, Remus, I'll do it alone." Black spits

"Wait, Sirius-" Lupin says

"-I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban! I haven't seen my daughter in twelve years Remus! Imagine what that doesn't to a man. Trust me, you wouldn't have lasted a week!

"You're staring right at her" Y/N finally says as she points her wand at him

Sirius' face softens tears welling up in his eyes "Y/N" he says softly as he moves closer

"Stay back!" Y/N yells and Black doesn't move

"You see what he's done," Sirius says with Lupin "he turned my family against me"

Y/N looks at her father curiously and gets the strange thought that he isn't talking about Harry. But if not Harry then who?

Lupin looks to Sirius then nods "All right then. As you wish"

"No!" Harry says and raises his wand when Lupin, with a flick of his own, disarms him. Furious, Harry eyes Black murderously. "You betrayed my parents! You sold them to Voldemort!"

"It's a lie! I never would've betrayed James and Lily!" Black says

"Harry! You've got to listen-" Lupin says

"Did he listen! When my mother was dying! Did he hear her screaming!" Harry yells angrily

"No! I wasn't there! And I'll regret it the rest of my life! Along with not being there so save your mother Y/N" Sirius says

"Someone else betrayed your parents, Harry. Someone in this room right now. Someone who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead."

"He's as good as dead." Sirius adds

"What're you talking about?" Harry says

"It's Peter Pettigrew isn't it," Y/N says and Sirius smiled weakly

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