Chapter 4 - Buckbeak

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It's the following week and Y/N and Flo are both walking towards Hagrid's hut with the rest of the Ravenclaw and Slytherin students.

"Y/N are you sure you want to talk to Potter and his friends," Flo asks

"They might have more information, I don't know" Y/N replies 

"Y/N what is this really about," Flo says 

"I want to find out the truth, Flo," Y/N says "about my father, I know it's dumb and stupid but I have to know. Maybe Potter and his friends can help me"

"You mean us, you think that Jord's and I would let you do this alone," Flo says 

"Alright we'll do this together," Y/N says 

Hagrid leads them toward a small paddock just this side of the Forbidden Forest. In the paddock, a freestanding iron rack hangs with dead ferrets buzzing with flies which is close to a nearby pumpkin patch.

"Gather 'round. Find yourself a spot. Now, firs' thing yeh'll want to do is open yer books" Hagrid says 

"And exactly how do we do that?" Draco asks 

"Crikey. Didn' yeh know? All yeh've got ter do is stroke 'em." Hagrid says taking Flo's book and demonstrating. "Righ' then, so yeh've got yer books an' now yeh need the Magical Creatures. Right. So- I'll... go an' get 'em" Hagrid says and disappears into the trees. Draco shakes his head, and looks to Crabbe and Goyle

"God, this place is going to the dogs." Malfoy says loudly "Wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes."

"Listen, you stupid prat," Y/N says making her way over to Malfoy and his goons. Suddenly Draco's eyes widen with fear and points behind Y/N

"Y/N dementor, dementor!" he says and Y/N jumps and turns around to find- nothing. Instantly, the Slytherins make eerie spooky ghost noises before they break up laughing. Y/N motions towards Draco with an angry expression but before she could move any closer Flo grasps her wrist

"He's not worth it" Flo says and Y/N nods and they both go bak to find their place

Suddenly, a strange beast emerges from the trees. It has the torso, hind legs, and tail of a horse, but the front legs, wings and head of a giant eagle. The students step back in fear, then Hagrid appears, shooing the beast on. As Hagrid coaxes the beast to the centre of the paddock, Flo stares uneasily.

"Hagrid. What exactly is that?" Flo asks 

"A Hippogriff, o' course. Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know is they're proud. Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't ever insult one, 'cause it migh' be the las' thing yeh do. Right then, who wants ter come an'say hello?" The entire class steps back, leaving Y/N in front "That'a girl Y/N" 

Y/N reluctantly walks towards Hagrid "Sir what exactly do I do"

"This here's Buckbeak, Y/N. Yeh want ter let 'im make the firs' move. It's polite, see? Jus' take step forward, give 'im a bow, and if Buckbeak bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. Ready?" Unsure, Y/N nods anyway. Steps forward and bows. Buckbeak's head cocks, eagle eyes studying Y/N cannily and waits. "Back off, Y/N! Back off!" 

Y/N starts to step back when Buckbeak ducks his beak. Hagrid sighs, relieved. "Well done, Y/N! Go on. Give 'im a pat."

Tentatively, Y/N reaches out, lays her hand on Buckbeak's fierce beak. The class claps and Y/N smiles as she strokes Buckbeak

"Hi there Buckbeak, aren't you cute" Y/N says to the hippogriff

"Look at that! I reckon he migh' even let yeh ride 'im!" Hagrid says with a cheery grin

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