Chapter 5 - Defence against the Dark Arts

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The Ravenclaw and Gryffindor third years all enter Professor Lupins class and they spot a tall wardrobe rattling violently. Y/N, Flo and several classmates regard it warily.

"Intriguing, yes?" Professor Lupin says "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside?"

"That's a Boggart, that is," Seamus says in a hushed voice

"Very good, Mr Finnigan." the Professor smiles "Can anyone tell us what a Boggart looks like?"

"No one knows." Hermione chimes in

"Of course Granger answers" Y/N whispers to Flo

"Boggarts are shape-shifters." The Bushy-haired girl continues "They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most. That's what makes it so-"

"Terrifying, yes." The Professor finishes "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now, shall we? Without wands please. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus" all the students repeat

"Good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a Boggart off is-

"laughter." Y/N says "You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing."

"Very good Y/N," Professor Lupins says with a smile "Now, Neville, come up here, will you?" Neville eyes the rattling wardrobe and steps forward queasily. "What would you say is the thing that frightens you most?"

"Prof- Professor Snape." Neville stutters. Everyone laughs good-naturedly and Professor Lupin nods thoughtfully

"Hmmm yes. Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother?" The Professor says and Neville nods

"Yes, but I don't want the Boggart to turn into her either" Neville adds and Seamus giggles

"It won't. But I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind. Can you do that?" and Neville nods "Now when I open this wardrobe Neville, here's what I want you to do"

Professor Lupin leans close to Neville and whispers. Neville's eyes pop open in shock."Alright Professor" Neville mutters

"Right then. Wand at the ready.One. Two. Three!" sparks jet from Lupin's wand, strike the doorknob, and the wardrobe bursts open. Instantly, Snape appears, eyes flashing hideously as he stalks forward. Neville backs away in fright. "Think Neville, think"

" R-r-riddikulus!" he stutters and crack! Snape stumbles in a flash of light and reappears in a long, lace-trimmed dress, towering moth-eaten hat, and carrying a crimson handbag. Instantly, the class bursts out laughing. Neville blinks, amazed, then slowly, grins himself. Lupin drops the needle on an old gramophone. A scratchy rhumba fills the room, he points to Ron.

"Ron! Forward!" the Professor says. Snape dissolves into a mad whirling mass, then mutates into a giant spider. Lupin puts his hands on Ron's shoulders to steady him. Ron raises his wand.

"Riddikulus!" he says and crack! roller skates materialize on the spider's hairy feet and it begins to shuffle crazily in place. Instantly, Ron relaxes as the class' laughter rings out.

"Florence!" the Professor says and Flo steps up, the spider spins faster and faster in a dizzying blur then reappears as a vampire.

"Riddikulus!" As the vampire whips its cloak across its eyes, swish! The cloak reopens, the class laughs, and the vampire is now dressed like Carmen Miranda. As it begins to dance about against its will the class starts to clap.

"Y/N, your next" Professor Lupin says and Y/N timidly steps forward. she can see out the corner of her eyes that the Professor's wand is ready and she eyes him curiously.

"go on Y/N," Flo says and pushes her forward

As Y/N steps up, the vampire's undulating body attenuates, its skin darkening with diamond-thatched scales becoming a giant serpent.

"Riddikulus!" Y/N says and the serpent's head bobs back and forth, before transforming into a Jack-in-a-box. Lupin grins and at Y/N and Flo grabs her shoulders smiles at her

"Nice one, Y/N"

"Next!" Lupin says and Harry steps forward expectantly.

Concern flickers through Lupin's face. The Jack-In-The-Box pivots on its spring, its face tumbling toward Harry, becoming more sinister, transforming into a Dementor. Suddenly Harry starts to raise his wand, then freezes, transfixed. The Dementor looms closer and closer to wards Y/N. The Ravenclaw girl not expecting this, stumbles back to the ground.

"Y/N !" Flo says and Y/N's closes her eyes the world going black


Y/N slowly opens her eyes and sees Flo looking at her concerned "Professor she's awake" Y/N hears her say and Professor Lupin kneels down and hands Y/N some chocolate just like he didn't on the train.

"Here take this," and she does and take a nibble of the chocolate feeling immediately a little better "You alright to go" and Y/N nods and Lupin smiles

"Well done, everyone. I think that's enough excitement for today." Lupin says as he addresses the class

Y/N looks over to Flo as she helps her up "Flo what happened?"

"Potter just froze and the Boggart lunged at you and well you fainted," Flo says as the rest of Gryfindor's and Ravenclaw's exit the class

"Who stopped it," Y/N asks as they slowly make their way out

"Professor Lupin," Flo says "it was weird his bogart was a white glowing light then he transformed it into a ballon I think and put the Boggart back in the wardrobe"

"Damn that is weird," Y/N says a little hazily still nibbling on the chocolate

"Are you sure you're alright?" Flo says

"Yeah I just think I need to lie down," Y/N says and Flo nods

"the Ravenclaw common room it is," Flo says and Y/N smiles at her friend's goofiness

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