Chapter 14 - Expecto Patronum!

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It's now springtime at Hogwarts with everyone's classes now in full swing after the Christmas break. Harry and Y/N are meeting Professor Lupin at the astronomy tower like he promised to teach them both how to defend against the Dementors.

"You're both sure about this?" Professor Lupin says "This is very advanced magic. Well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level."

"If my father can fight the Dementors, I need to know how too," Y/N says

"Same here," Harry says "I don't want to be afraid of them anymore"

Lupin studies them both, looking slightly conflicted before he then decides. "Very well. The spell I'm going to teach you is called the Patronus Charm. Ever hear of it?" and Y/N and Harry both shake their heads "A Patronus is a kind of positive force. For the wizard who can conjure one, the Patronus works something like a shield. The Dementor feeds on it instead of him."

"Brilliant," Y/N says. Just then, the trunk rattles violently. Professor Lupin snaps his fingers, brings their attention back.

"But for it to work, you must think of a memory." the Professor says "It can't just any. This memory needs to be a very happy one, and powerful."

Y/N and Harry think Before Y/N nods "I think I got one" Y/N says

"I think so too," Harry says

"Good. Let it fill you up. Lose yourself in it. Then speak the incantation: Expecto Patronum. Without your wand"

"Expecto Patronum" the two students repeat

"Right then. Shall we?" Lupin says and Harry steps forward first

"You've got this Harry" Y/N says encouraging and the raven-haired boy smiles weakly. He raises his wand and Professor Lupin watches closely. He reaches over, grips the lid of the trunk.

"Remember to concentrate, Harry." The Professor says calmly and flings open the case. The Dementor looks particularly horrific.

"Expecto... Patronum..." Harry says but nothing happens. The torches on the wall flicker as a cool breeze fills the chamber and Harry's hand begins to tremble.

Suddenly the professor steps in and the Dementor mutates into a silvery-white orb "Riddikulus!" he says as he flicks his wand, sending the orb back into the packing case.

Harry stands looking a bit dazed. The professor fishes a chocolate frog from his pocket and presses it into Harry's trembling hand.

"That's one nasty Dementor," Y/N says

"Boggart, Y/N. The real thing would be much, much worse." Lupin says "Just out of interest Harry, what were you thinking of? What memory did you choose?"

"The first time I rode a broom," Harry says

"That's not good enough Harry, not nearly." the professor says and Harry sighs

"There's another. It's not happy exactly. I mean, it is. It's the happiest I've ever felt. But it's... complicated." Harry says

"Is it strong?" Lupin says and Harry nods "very well, Y/N step out of the way"

Y/N stands near the Professor as Harry gets ready to face the Dementor. Lupin opens the packing case. Instantly, the Dementor appears again and a chill fills the air.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry says, his whole body trembles but he holds his ground. Suddenly, huge silver light bursts from the end of his wand, hovering between him and the Dementor. The Dementor falters

"You did it Harry," Y/N says with a smile

"Riddikulus!" Lupin says and the Boggart goes back into the trunk "Well done Harry"

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