Chapter Five: A Country in Shackles

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   Hatake Kakashi felt both relief and some sort of exhausted awareness as they continued their walk to Tazuna's home, sneaking glances at Naruto's back. His shirt had been in tatters from the battle and thrown away, replaced with bandages that were already beginning to get stained red. Countless seals looped together, rolling across his shoulders and down his back before slinking to the front like shackles, forming a dizzying piece that could only be called a painting. 

   Aside from them, though, Kakashi finally noticed how frail and malnourished Naruto really was. His ribcage and spine poked out from his skin, cheekbones a bit hollow and wrists too thin, covered in thick scar tissue that came from heavy metal chains rubbing against them.

   How did I miss it?

   It was nothing if not glaringly obvious, but maybe that was with anyone else.

   Even though Kakashi saw it, he couldn't begin to match this skinny figure with Naruto. Because it was Naruto, someone who had been in his nightmares ever since that bloodless massacre six years ago. He had forgotten that in the end, Naruto was also a human, a child.

   Although he recognized this, it was impossible to feel any sympathy.

   Not when this child defeated Momochi Zabuza, a jōnin that even Kakashi would have to be cautious fighting, in under ten minutes, with only a few deep cuts and shallow slices to show for it. And that was only when his physical restraints were released. Not even completely, for Kami-sama's sake!

   Kakashi's heart grew cold at the thought.

   So what if he's a human being? I can't treat him like one.

   He had been taking this duty too leniently. Kakashi had thought he was trying his best, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble and handling it immediately, like the situation with the Demon Brothers. But this show of monstrous strength made him aware of his mistake.

   Kakashi had been arrogant, he realized it now. He had underestimated Naruto's power, though such a thing might not be possible, considering he doesn't even know what that power was in the first place.

   There was no way to control something like Naruto, not even with dozens of seals and someone watching his every move. You could only ever make compromises and hope for everything to be fine. Perhaps Hokage-sama knew this, which was why he had sent them to Nami.

   Maybe it hadn't been a choice, but relenting to Naruto's mysterious whims.

   He had to do the same if he wanted to keep his genin alive, keep himself alive.

   Kakashi had to bend to his nightmare.

   The realization left him hollow and bitter, but there was nothing he could do. Even when they arrived at Tazuna's house, a humble two-story home on the ocean with red roofs and an iron-rail balcony, Kakashi felt defeated.

   They entered, greeted by Tazuna's adult daughter, Tsunami, and her son, Inari. Tsunami fussed over them almost immediately, getting their rooms ready and cooking some simple yet tasty food that Kakashi couldn't fully appreciate. Not when his stomach churned whenever he saw Naruto's lazy smile.

   When Naruto came out of the shower with new clothes a tab bit large on his body he said the words, "I'm leaving for a bit."

   Kakashi's first instinct was to argue, but he found himself giving a noncommittal hum instead, watching as the criminal he was assigned to watch by the Hokage himself leave through the door and into the forest.

   So Kakashi turned back to his dinner and took another bite.

   It tastes better.


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