Chapter Thirty-Four[XXXIV]: Red Monsters - V

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   Uzukaze Naruto lunged at Haruno, grabbing her waist and throwing both of them down on the thick branch they were on to avoid the sharp leg aimed to slice her head off. The spider was fast, very fast in fact, over that of a competent chūnin. The only reason they ( his teammates ) survived so far was because of the dense trees and the warnings from Naruto, but their luck would run out soon.

   "Release the seals!" Naruto commanded in a hurry, dropping down to a lower branch to dodge the leg once more, Haruno landing beside him followed by Uchiha. In his haste, Naruto didn't bother to use hand-signs to release the restriction seal on his form, his body immediately feeling ten times lighter and much more powerful. Naruto crouched before jumping at the spider, hitting its unprotected stomach with a chakra-enhanced fist before darting away.

   Really, he knew that would do next to nothing, but he just needed to distract the spider long enough for Haruno and Uchiha to release their seals so they had a chance at surviving this whole ordeal. Naruto weaved through the spider's legs as if he were a ballerina, avoiding them as they tried to pierce him like a yakitori and ignoring the shrill screeches of anger that came with it.

   He leaned back just enough so a leg missed him by a hair's length before simply letting himself collapse, sliding off the branch and attaching himself to the bottom on his toes and fingers. Naruto watched as Uchiha and Haruno finally released their seals and attacked the spider ( which might just be a tarantula because of the razor-sharp hairs covering the thing ) from either side, while Naruto unsealed eight kunai, coating them with thick fūton chakra before chucking them at the area connecting the legs to the body.

   The spider screeched loudly once again as the attacks landed, making Naruto flinch from the volume and pitch. Uchiha had sent a small but compact raging fireball at the thing's torso while Haruno punched its back with chakra-coated fists, pushing the creature directing into Naruto's kunai.

    Immediately after the action was done, the clearing was filled with smoke and the three of them retreated to a safe distance, observing, waiting to see how much damage their attacks did, if any. It was quiet for a moment before there was movement in the smoke, three thick, white webs shooting out to wrap them up.

   They dodged the attempt, Naruto going up to another branch while his teammates dived in opposite directions. Even with the seals off, Naruto could tell that the two were only just faster than the spider, which was great, but one wrong move and they would be split in half. He decided that if it came down to a real matter of life or death, he would leave it to Kakashi to handle it since the man was watching them very closely at the moment.

   First, they needed to come up with a plan, and as the smoke cleared, he noted it had to be a very good one. Because it seemed that the spider was barely even fazed by their attacks, the hairs on its torso where the fireball landed smouldering and drops of blood slowly dripping from the places the kunai landed but otherwise unharmed. 

   Naruto responded to the spider lunging at the by putting his fingers together and mumbling, "Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu." Fifty clones shot out from the smoke now surrounding him, temporarily taking the spider's attention off of him and his teammates as they attacked it wildly. He sent a pulse into the morse seal, Haruno and Uchiha coming to his sides quickly, bodies tense and gazes focused intently on his clones and the spider.

   "We need a plan," Haruno said quickly, lips pulling together in a thin line when five of Naruto's clones were dispersed at once.

   "That's obvious," Uchiha snapped harshly, scowling. Haruno looked a little hurt at the tone but remained quiet. Naruto didn't care to reprimand Uchiha for it and he knew they were all under a lot of pressure and had very little time to come up with one.

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