Chapter Twenty-Eight[XXVIII]: Red's Registration

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   Uzukaze Naruto and Haruno talked idly until Kakashi and Uchiha returned, which took about fifteen minutes. Kakashi had his hands in his pockets, looking particularly unbothered on the outside, poster mostly relaxed, well, as relaxed as an ex-ANBU can be. Naruto noted that Uchiha, on the other hand, was extremely tense, shoulders rigid and jaw set. His clothes were ruffled and his hair was wild, but, other than that, there was no evidence of what must have occurred.

   Kakashi had always been very brutal when dealing with ANBU, be it new or veteran, who seemed to have extremely negative opinions on their teammates. He had witnessed it on multiple occasions, and he had to say, Kakashi's methods were genius, cruel but truly genius. He was always excellent at getting his point across in various ways and making it stick.

   However, Naruto could see that Uchiha was still quite resentful underneath that brooding expression of his. But, he was also wary now, very, very wary if the way he kept glancing at Kakashi was anything to go by, so, he was probably going at least attempt to work with them if Kakashi was near. Naruto didn't know which method Kakashi decided to use, but ultimately, he didn't care as long as Uchiha stopped being an arrogant, jealous, and vengeful prick.

   Because that never worked out.

   "Ne, Inu-sensei," Naruto suddenly said as he walked towards him, glancing at Uchiha briefly, "don't we need to get registered?"

   "Mah, mah, I almost forgot about that." Kakashi gave an eye-smile. "Well, I suppose we can handle that now." He crouched down so his shoulders were at Naruto's head hight. "Each of you, grab onto me and make sure to hold on tight, this may be disorientating."

   Naruto hopped onto Kakashi's back, wrapping his legs around Kakashi's waist with his arms lazily around Kakashi's neck. Haruno gave a small giggle before grabbing onto Kakashi's right shoulder, Uchiha his left. Without another word, Kakashi used his Konoha-Shunshin to speed them to the entrance of the Hokage Tower, startling a few civilians in the process as they suddenly appeared.

   Haruno let go and stumbled a little before catching herself, shaking her head to presumably get rid of some dizziness from the seemingly insane speeds they travelled at. Uchiha also detached himself Kakashi, pulling his hand away as though it burned him to touch Kakashi. Naruto remained on Kakashi's back, staring intently at the back of Kakashi's head to ignore the glares and whispers directed at him.

   He saw the way Haruno frowned deeply and the subtle way Uchiha half-glared at those talking about him. That made Naruto smile gently, since it seemed that even though Uchiha was jealous of the skills he displayed while fighting Kakashi, he was still willing to defend him, even if it wasn't very noticeable.

   Kakashi beckoned Haruno and Uchiha to follow him into the tower, sending a sharp gaze to the receptionist who was sneering as he saw Naruto. It made the receptionist stand up straight and bow his head, lips in a tight line as he didn't even dare to look up or even greet them. Ignoring everyone else in the building except the ANBU hidden in the shadows who Kakashi nodded at, they made their way up the tower and to the top floor, where the Hokage's office was. 

   The ANBU stationed at the door made no attempt at stopping them as they simply walked inside, the wooden door creaking gently as they entered. Inside was the Hokage, as expected, and Naruto's Chi Bunshin, it seemed that Kenko was reporting the last few details about the mission he was given a few hours prior. Haruno closed the door behind them.

   The Hokage glanced up at the four of them for a moment before turning his attention back to Kenko, the clone finishing his report with, "--were torched, everyone inside the buildings dead. I have further documents sealed relating to the location of the main headquarters, Hokage-sama." He handed over the document to the Hokage.

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