Chapter Sixteen[XVI]: Red Teacher - IV

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   Uzumaki Kenko sat down in front of the Yamanaka, Akimichi, and Nara, who were wincing as tired and ultimately failed to pull themselves off the ground. "Don't push yourselves," Kenko said gently, positioning himself beside Akimichi and placing his hands a couple of centimetres above his chest. 

   He closed his eyes and concentrated, his hands glowing a gentle green as he thought, Shōsen no Jutsu⁸⁶. Kenko immediately heard Akimichi give a sigh of relief and felt his muscles relax, he kept the jutsu up until he sensed that most of the damage ( muscle strain, cuts, and small fractures ) was healed, leaving some minuscule bruises that would most likely be heald in two days. 

   Kenko repeated the process with Nara and Yamanaka, healing the majority of their wounds but still leaving some as a reminder. When he finished, he gestured for the three to sit up, which they did a little stiffly but otherwise smoothly. They looked a little disappointed still but that was expected since, in their minds, they failed the exercise. 

   "Now," Kenko said sternly, causing them to look up at him, "tell me why you got caught."

   Yamanaka's face scrunched up a little in thought. "We assumed that one of your clones dispelled and became rash."

   "We didn't work together all that well and still fought like we were fighting alone," Akimichi added.

   Nara was silent for a moment. "We underestimated your strength since your clones said that they would be holding back."

   He looked them over a nodded. "Those are three of the four reasons you were defeated, yes. Would you like to know the fourth?" They bobbed their heads. "Experience." At their confused faces, he elaborated. "This was probably your first time fighting someone who had years of experience under their belt other than your fathers, I know how to attack as a team and use distractions while you three, despite your best efforts, do not."

   "Are you saying that we have no chance?" Yamanaka asked, clearly a little frustrated by that statement.

   Kenko paused briefly. "No," that gained some surprised glances, "what I am saying is that at your current level of teamwork and skills you would need my clones to slip up horribly to beat them. However, I am simply pleased right now that you got as far as you did, you managed to last ten minutes against the onslaught and didn't give up until the very end."

   Yamanaka looked a little bashful while Akimichi gave him a smile and Nara scratched the back of his head with a contemplative look. "If you knew that we would fail, then what was the point?"

   His lips quirked up. "You know the answer to that, Nara-san, and so do your teammates."

   There was silence for a moment before Akimichi exclaimed, "It was to get us used to working together as a team!"

   "Correct, Akimichi-san." Kenko gestured behind the three at the burnt log that his clone used to switch places with. "My clone that supposedly got hit by Akimichi-san's jutsu used the Kawarimi no Jutsu⁸⁷ to substitute himself with a log, my other clones were quick enough to distract you from the sight to keep you from realizing this."

   Yamanaka frowned and said quietly, "I totally forgot that your clones were allowed to use a jutsu of their choosing."

   Kenko just nodded. "As did your teammates." They looked at the ground. "Yamanaka-san," she looked up at him, "you were quick on your feet, however, you got impatient if my clone didn't attack immediately, which resulted in you placing yourself and your teammates in danger. So, to combat that and simultaneously work on increasing your speed and strength, I am going to give you some gravity seals and have you run an obstacle course."

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