Chapter Twenty-Seven[XXVII]: Red's Tests - II

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   Uzukaze Naruto strengthens his fingers and toes with chakra as he jumps back to avoid axe kick, throwing himself to the side to avoid the flurry of shuriken aimed at him. Twisting his body to dodge the low punch aimed at his face, Naruto pounces at Kakashi, hand extended like a claw with a thin layer of wind chakra around his fingers.

   Kakashi blocked the slash by redirecting Naruto arm, making Naruto quickly react by slamming his heel into Kakashi's kidney. Kakashi grabbed the kick with his other hand and sent a swift punch at Naruto's chest, forcing Naruto to bend his back towards the ground, fingers scraping at the ground as he enhanced his other heel with chakra in an attempt to upper-cut Kakashi.

   Unsurprisingly, Kakashi put his head back to avoid it and threw Naruto away. Naruto dug his fingers into the water, slowing down his momentum as he pushed his toes into the water as well, regaining his previous position quite quickly. Kakashi stood still, observing Naruto just as Naruto did him. 

   "I see that you know how to enhance your muscles," Kakashi mused aloud, looking at the fingers Naruto was resting half of his weight on.

   Naruto shrugged, which was just him inclining his head. "It was one of the few things Kenko-nī taught me."

   Kakashi raised a brow but nodded before attacking Naruto again, using low-jōnin speeds to appear in front of Naruto in a millisecond, sending a chakra enhanced knee towards Naruto's side that he just barely managed to dodge at his mid-chūnin speed by rolling away. Hopping back up into his stance swiftly, Naruto elegantly bobbed and weaved to avoid the brunt of the attacks aimed at him.

   He was forced to block one of the chakra enhanced attacks sent at him, his arms shaking from the impact as he quickly disengaged by springing towards the side. It was at this point that his breathing had increased a little more, a light coat of red dusting his features. The gravity seal was beginning starting to act up after the full half-hour or so of attacks being thrown at him, making his chest squeeze tightly and for his back muscles to tighten.

   Letting out a slow, controlled breath, Naruto took the few seconds Kakashi allowed him to rest by rolling out his shoulders and bouncing on his toes, the strain easing to become less noticeable. This time, it was Naruto who attacked, stance shifting so his knees were bent little more along with his elbows, chin closer to the ground as he pushed his shoulder blades up. 

   Pushing off his toes and fingers swiftly, Naruto closed the gap between them and slashed at Kakashi's ankle with the wind-enhanced fingers on his left hand and sent a punch towards Kakashi's left knee with his right fist, enhancing the blow as well. Kakashi simply jumped up to avoid the attacks but Naruto anticipated this, twisting so his chest was to the sky and pushing off with his heels.

   Kakashi was made to violently slam his foot into Naruto's left hand and lift his left leg so the punch collided with his shin, Naruto simply opened his right hand and grabbed Kakashi's leg, digging wind-claws into his shin and dragging his hand down. Kakashi retaliated quickly and with a harsh efficiency, punching Naruto in the chest so he flew down into the water.

   Naruto allowed himself to fall into the water, reaching out his slightly blood-covered hand to grab ahold of the water to pull himself out in a smooth movement, his chest pulsing slightly in pain, something that he ignored expertly. Naruto was forced to go back into the defensive, position switching again as he dodged and blocked when he could, managing to only get in one other attack that left a thin streak across Kakashi's forearm before Kakashi disengaged. 

   Tensing considerably, Naruto eyes darted to Kakashi's hands which were going through hand-signs swiftly and with undeniable expertise. Naruto recognized them and prepared himself, pushing himself onto his feet as he Kakashi said calmly, "Katon: Endan¹³⁴." Flame bullets fired out of Kakashi's mouth, the oil used to create them igniting. 

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