Chapter Three: Brothers in Chain

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   Hiruzen Sarutobi was both curious and apprehensive about this sudden conversation. He had never seen quite so many emotions on Naruto's face before, especially such strong irritation that it could be seen even with the blindfold on his face. It was rare for Naruto to express anything other than mockery or boredom in the first place.

   So, cautiously, he asked, "What seems to be the problem, Naruto-kun?"

   In response, Naruto placed the mission paper onto his desk, tapping it twice with his index finger. "You need to deal with this."

   Confused, Hiruzen glanced at it, noting that it was a simple mission regarding escorting a bridge builder to Nami no Kuni. It was utterly normal, and while the conduct of the bridge builder had been a bit off, that wasn't enough for the mission to be labelled as suspicious.

   Thus, Hiruzen could only ask Naruto what he meant.

   To that, Naruto frowned, and the emotions colouring his face disappeared. But, Hiruzen could just make out a hint of disappointed realization in that frown that stunned him to the core. What did that disappointment mean? What was it that Hiruzen had missed? 

   "Nevermind what I mean, if you can't see it then it doesn't matter even if I explain." Naruto paused. "Assign Team Seven the mission, I can handle the issue myself."

   Hiruzen was first surprised at the sudden request, then doubtful. In the week he had spent observing Naruto before he was officially assigned to Kakashi's team, Naruto hadn't asked for a single thing, much less tried to escape. However, he couldn't be sure about Naruto's intentions. After living in prison for six years, and then being confined to Konoha, who wouldn't want to be run away after getting a taste of freedom again?

   Hiruzen could only say, "You know I can't do that, Naruto-kun."

   Naruto clicked his tongue. "You can, and you will, Hiruzen. It's either you send me with Team Seven, or I go by myself regardless of the fact that I'm essentially crippled by the seals."

   If Naruto was bluffing, Hiruzen couldn't see through it. "Why can't you try to explain, at least? Maybe then, I'll consider it."

   "Explanation? Impossible." Naruto shook his head, snorting as though even the mere suggestion was laughable. "There are some things in this world, Hiruzen, that are best to remain ignorant of, and this is one of them." 

   Hiruzen was rather helpless at this firm attitude. "Naruto-kun, you should know very well that even just bringing you into Konoha has caused unease. To allow you outside is almost tantamount to handing you to our enemy's hands."

   Naruto sighed. "I care little for Iwa and Kumo, and if they try to kidnap me, then I'll kill them." Naruto leaned forward, placing his hands on Hiruzen's desk. "I am very clear about my status as a flight-risk, Hiruzen, but I have no interest in running. Just as you have your plans, I have some of my own."

   He picked up the mission, and though Hiruzen couldn't see Naruto's eyes, he swore he saw an icy blue glow from behind the black fabric. 

   "The only reason I am cooperating right now is that our plans happen to align, and this mission is something that must be dealt with for this to continue being true. You can either send me back to prison, or you can send Team Seven along our merry way."

   Naruto grinned sharply in a way that made Hiruzen's hair stand on end.

   "So, what will it be, Hiruzen?"


   Hatake Kakashi was still reeling internally about how this week suddenly turned out. 

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