Chapter Twenty-Six[XXVI]: Red's Tests - I

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   Uzukaze Naruto kept his head on his desk with his eyes closed, resting. It was a technique he often used when staying awake for long periods, tricking his body into thinking he was sleeping. He knew that he would be crashing soon, sometime tomorrow evening probably. So, he would need to go to sleep tonight, something which he wasn't very excited about.

   He sighed quietly to himself and raised his head, resting his cheek on his palm as he lazily looked around the classroom. The exam that he was previously resting on was filled out completely, though he only answered enough correctly to get a passing grade, not that he needed to. Naruto observed that Uchiha, Haruno, Nara, Hyūga, Yamanaka, and Aburame, along with four or five others, were finished as well, waiting just like him.

   Haruno was sitting next to him, as he had waved her over once he saw her come in, she also had her forehead protector on, tapping impatiently on the desk with her fingers. Many had given Uchiha and Haruno odd looks but didn't exactly question it directly since it was well known that both of them had high scores in the class, not even Inuzuka commented, though Naruto just thought he didn't notice.

   After a few more minutes, Iruka came around and collected their exams, chatter starting up the moment Iruka had them all in his hands. There was a sudden knock on the door, and Naruto almost smiled at the punctualness. Iruka placed the exams on his desk and opened the door, a noticeable surprised and slightly flustered expression on his face. 

   "Kakashi-san, why, this a surprise," Iruka said, stepping aside to let Kakashi inside, who did so.

   He gave Iruka an eye-smile as he closed the door. "Mah, mah, I'm just here to pick up my cute little genin." 

   Whispers immediately broke out among the students while Naruto, Haruno, and Uchiha simply stood up and walked up to Kakashi. "You're on time, Inu-sensei!" Naruto exclaimed with a small smile, which earned him a hand ruffling his hair for a moment.

   "I said I would be, Naruto-kun. And why don't you have your forehead protector on?" Kakashi pocked his forehead, making him pout a bit.

   Naruto rubbed the back of his head and gave a sheepish grin. "Oops, I forgot about that." He touched his jugular with his other hand and unsealed his forehead protector, wrapping it around right bicep once more. 

   Kakashi raised an unseen brow. "Whatever you say. Now," he clapped his hands together, "my cute little genin, why don't you head over to the Daisan Enshūjō while I brief Iruka-san on what happened last night."

   "Hai, Sensei," the three of them chorused. Naruto walked over to the window to the right of Iruka's desk and pushed it open, motioning for his two teammates to jump through. Uchiha did so without any help, shoving his hands in his pockets soon after while Naruto took Haruno's hand and helped her through. 

   Just as he was about to go through the window himself, Inuzuka shouted with clear irritation, "How did you three become genin already?"

   He hopped on the ledge of the window, turned his head to face the room, placed a cheeky smile on his face and said rather solemnly, "Treason." Naruto snickered at the yelling that ensued as he left, catching up with his teammates. He took the spot between the two and kept that smile on his face, quite pleased with himself.

   Haruno looked at him with an amused expression, clearing hearing what he said and holding back laughter of her own. "Was that necessary, Uzumaki-kun?"

   Naruto shrugged. "Probably not, but it was still funny to see all their faces."

   At that, Haruno giggled, shaking her head. "Do either of you know where the Daisan Enshūjō is? Because I don't."

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