Chapter Forty-Three[XLIII] Red Waves - IV

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   Uzumaki Kenko leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, attention solely focused on Haku as he ( Kenko had asked ) wrapped Momochi is medical herbs to help him heal, his bandage mask removed. The man had yet to wake up, but Haku promised that Momochi would be awake soon. And, true to his word, after waiting a few more minutes a groan of pain came from Momochi as he opened his eyes, squinting.

   "Why did you have to be so rough, Haku?" Momochi asked groggily, not yet aware of Kenko's presence. Haku, who had taken off his mask, didn't answer and instead nervously looked back at Kenko. Momochi's eyes followed the movement and soon landed on Kenko, who had a small smirk on his face. "What the fuck. . ?" Momochi muttered, eyes blown wide.

   "Why, good afternoon sunshine," Kenko said pleasantly, tilting his head to the side. He twirled Kubikiribōchō around which was by his side, fingers gently pressing against the top of the handle so it didn't fall over. "Took you long enough to wake up."

   Momochi growled, clearly angry. "Give me back my sword, you fucker. Or I'll--"

   Kenko stopped spinning the blade and leaned on the handle, taking great joy in frustrating Momochi. "Or you'll what, Momochi? Take it from me? You can't even stand much less fight just yet." Before Momochi could respond, Kenko explained the reason he was there, "As much as I enjoy making you pissed off, I have a reason for not decapitating you and Haku-chan."

   "And what would that be?" Momochi spat, gritting his teeth as he tried to sit up, Haku helping him. Kenko waited until Momochi was sitting against the wall before continuing.

   "You fled Kiri after a failed assassination attempt of Mizukage-sama, correct?" Kenko asked.

   "What about it?" Momochi snapped.

   "How would you like to re-join Kiri?" Before Momochi could snap at him again, Kenko sent a concentrated burst of killing intent as the man to silence him. "You know of my status as shochō of the Konoha ANBU, correct?" Momochi nodded cautiously. "Then you also know that I have been sent on many diplomatic or high-risk missions to meet with the Kage of other nations."

   "Get to the point," Momochi demanded.

   Kenko clicked his tongue. "I happen to be a friend of Mizukage-sama, and what you nor anyone else in Kiri knew was that he was under a genjutsu, Yagura was being controlled by someone and was forced to do all of those awful things."

   Momochi's nose flared. "Bull. Shit."

   He looked down at Momochi, unimpressed. "No, not bullshit. Fact." Kenko leaned Kubikiribōchō against the wall and calmly walked over to Momochi, crouching in front of him. He reached his hand up and both Momochi and Haku tensed, but all Kenko did was remove his mask and seal it in his jugular, staring hard at Momochi who looked reasonably shocked. "Look into my eyes, Momochi, and tell me again that I am lying."

   Momochi did for a long, long moment before relaxing. "I don't believe it, a genjutsu? Really?"

   Kenko smiled, eyes twinkling. "Believe it, I gave him so much shit for it." 

   Momochi looked amused. "I'd pay to see that."

   "Oh, you won't need to pay," Kenko said with a cheeky grin as he slapped his thighs and stood up, spending a pulse of chakra into the morse seal connected to Yagura. "I'm going to be bringing Yagura straight here, after all, I still don't know whether or not I'm allowed to give you a second chance." He unsealed a Hiraishin tag and made the ink from the paper seep into the wood, resealing the empty piece of paper just as he got a response from Yagura.

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