Chapter Thirty-Three[XXXIII]: Red Monsters - IV

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   Uzukaze Naruto awoke in what he assumed to be morning, warm from the body heat of his two teammates, his left arm and leg numb, that familiar feeling of static making him open his eyes to assess the position they were in. He was mildly shocked to see just how turned around they all got, quite frankly a little impressed as well.

   Uchiha had somehow managed to turn around a full one-hundred-eighty degrees, his head resting on Naruto's numb arm and Uchiha's own arms sprawled over Naruto's chest. Naruto had his head on Uchiha's thighs on his back, legs spread wide open, feet and right arm hanging off the hammock. Haruno was laying in the middle of his legs on her stomach, her arms under her head and her abdomen directly on top of his leg.

   Rolling his eyes, Naruto closed his eyes but didn't try to go back to sleep, fearing that if he did, this time he wouldn't be lucky. So, he stayed still, ignoring the static in his two limbs, enjoying the warmth and feeling his heart squeeze a little with fondness. Naruto could sense Kakashi's chakra signature walking around the cave but paid it no heed, taking comfort in the fact that Kakashi had watched over them when they slept to ensure their safety.

   Realistically, Naruto knew that no creatures except the glowing bugs were in the system, in the water or anywhere underground in this area, and he was quite sure Kakashi knew this too, so there was no real need to keep watch. Still, the action made him smile a little because it showed how Kakashi actually cared for the three of them, it made him feel truly protected, moments which were extraordinarily few and far between.

   He remained with his eyes closed until he could feel Uchiha and Haruno begin to shift, the three of them accustomed to waking up around five in the morning to train with Kakashi. Naruto opened his eyes, examining as Uchiha and Haruno glanced at their positions groggily, squinting the sleep out of their vision. 

   Naruto gave a small chuckle. "Morning, have a nice sleep on my poor limbs?"

   Haruno giggled quietly, clearing her throat afterward in an attempt to get rid of the dryness. "It was comfortable," Haruno admitted, voice a little deeper and raspier than usual as she patted Naruto's leg. Uchiha grunted, pushing Naruto's head off his thighs and making Naruto give a noise of complaint. 

   "You're heavy," Uchiha said plainly, sitting up in the hammock. 

   He scoffed, mumbling, "Says the one who made my entire arm numb."

   Uchiha ignored that comment because Naruto was sure he heard it, instead opting to get out of the hammock and stretch. Haruno also got out, though she purposely made the hammock flip so they both fell out. Naruto landed in a push-up position, nose an inch away from the ground. He looked up at Haruno and gave her a disapproving look, looking much like a disappointed father. 

   Haruno just smiled innocently at him, having landed on her feet. Naruto felt a small smile creep its way onto his face and pushed himself onto his toes, bouncing a little on them as he rolled his shoulders and neck out. Slowly, he could feel the blood start to flow regularly in his left limbs again, the odd, semi-uncomfortable feeling of static fading.

   After the three of them warmed up they made their way out of Uchiha's branch and stood around the underwater entrance to their cave. Naruto tilted his head up to look at the luminous vines, still mesmerized by their glow. "We should probably get some breakfast before starting to build my branch," he suggested.

   "Or, we could do both," Uchiha countered.

   "Why don't you get us some fish, Uzumaki-kun, while we get the materials?" Haruno said.

   Naruto shrugged his shoulders, looking back down to the water. "I don't see why not, just be more careful this time, the animals are only beginning to go to sleep and I don't think we could handle a creature of that adult wolf's calibre by ourselves."

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