Chapter Thirty-Two[XXXII]: Red Monsters - III

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   Uzukaze Naruto grabbed onto Haruno and Uchiha's shoulders, moulding the water around their heads so they could breathe since they didn't know how to do the Suijū Kokyū no Jutsu yet. His two teammates dived down, Naruto still gripping their shoulders to keep the jutsu going. Plus, they needed to line their eyes with chakra so they could somewhat see.

   He led the two in the direction of the cave, gently pushing or pulling their shoulders to guide them until the entrance came into view. Small, coloured fish swam around them as they observed it, green seaweed swaying in the currents on the floor of the pond. The entrance wasn't all that large, just enough for one person to squeeze through.

   Sending a pulse through the tunnel, Naruto determined once more that the tight squeeze continued for around two-hundred metres. Going relatively straight and level for fifty metres, then breaking off into different ways while slopping downwards for the rest, with one of the ways opening up to a cavern of sorts where they could surface.

   Naruto squeezed their shoulders briefly, signalling that he was about to let go for a moment, and let them hold their breaths. He brought his hands together into the clone hand-sign and summoned a Mizu Bunshin, who promptly grabbed onto Haruno to reactivate the Suijū Kokyū while he grasped onto Uchiha's shoulder to do the same.

   Motioning for Uchiha to begin swimming towards the entrance, Naruto dragged his hands down Uchiha's back and legs, eventually holding onto his ankles. This way, Naruto could keep the jutsu active and actually fit into the narrow tunnel. They made their way into the tunnel, Haruno and his clone doing the same right after them. 

   More than a few times through the tunnels did he have to briefly let go so they could squeeze through a particularly tight spot, occasionally scared away some unknowing fish or getting scrapped up on the rough rock and sea urchin-like growths on the tunnel's walls. It wasn't a pleasant journey by any means, and Naruto could tell that when they reached the end of the tunnel Uchiha and Haruno were relieved.

   Naruto dispersed his clone and let go of Uchiha, the three of them swimming to the surface so they could go explore the cavern. They treaded water as the three of them looked around in slight awe. On the ceiling of the cavern was elegant but deadly spikes, some kind of pale greenish-blue luminescent flora gently glowing as it wrapped around them.

   The land in front of them was covered by a yellowish grass that shinned only slightly, the walls covered in luminous vines of the same colour that had little white radiant flowers curiously budding out of them ever so often. Naruto cut the chakra flow to his eyes completely and was mildly surprised to find that he could still see somewhat clearly, though he was sure he would be able to see perfectly if he let his eyes adjust to the semi-darkness.

   "Wow," Haruno breathed, her gaze fixated on the small flowers, "it's so pretty."

   "Yes," Naruto agreed, "I've never seen anything like it."

   "Neither have I," Uchiha said, his eyes looking all around. 

   "So, should we. . ?" Naruto asked, leaving his sentence unfinished, eyes resting on the many holes leading off further into the cavern.

   "Of course!" Haruno squealed excitedly. "Maybe there are some other flowers further inside!"

   Naruto and Uchiha didn't say a word, simply nodding their heads in agreement as the three of them slowly swam to shore, standing up soon after. "Man," Naruto said, stretching his arms above his head, "am I glad to be out of those tunnels."

   "Hn, they were cramped," Uchiha stated.

   Suddenly, a thought occurred to Naruto that made him snicker a little bit. Uchiha and Haruno looked at him quizzically. "We are probably going to get smacked by Kakashi-sensei for this, since, you know, he's watching over us and all." 

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