Chapter Twenty-Five[XXV]: Training With Red

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   Uzukaze Naruto hummed quietly to himself as he cooked himself and Uchiha, who was still asleep, some breakfast. He had a clone stitch up his wound last night and another wash his clothes in the quiet river in the backyard, meaning he was now more presentable than he was last night, even with his top's sleeve still missing. 

   Instead of going to sleep like he said we would, Naruto had stayed up and fixed all of the seals scattered around the area until it was up to his standards, which were quite high. Now, if anyone entered the vicinity who was not him or Uchiha, they would be in for quite the rude surprise. He supposed he needed to a sample of Haruno and Kakashi's blood so they could entre as well, maybe a drop for the Hokage.

   Shrugging to himself, Naruto flipped over the last of the scrambled eggs, shaking the pan a little to have all of the juices absorbed before sliding it onto a plate. He turned off the stove and summoned a clone, having the clone bring the eggs, bacon, and orange juice to the table while he cleaned up. It wouldn't be nice of him to leave a mess, now would it?

   Wiping off the last pan and placing it on the wrack, Naruto flicked the water off his hands into the sink and took off the pink apron he had been wearing to protect his clothes, hanging it on the appropriate hook. Just as he dispersed his clone, Uchiha walked in wearing a loose, dark blue sleep shirt with the Uchiha crest on the back and black shorts that reached a little above his knees.

   Uchiha notably paused, looking from Naruto to the food and back again. "Did you cook?"

   "Yes, I did." Naruto sat down at the table on the dark blue cushion. "I went to the market and bought some fresh eggs and meat since I noticed that some of the vegetables in your garden were getting a little too ripe. Before you yell at me for going in the garden, I've taken care of many gardens in the past and nothing is ruined, just look out of the door."

   There was silence for a moment before Uchiha turned around and did so, seemingly satisfied with the condition he found his garden in, Uchiha closed the door and walked over to the other side of the table, sitting down on his own cushion. "It looks fine, I guess," Uchiha commented before taking a bite and stilling.

   Naruto laughed quietly. "I've been told my cooking does that to people, I made sure to use all of the overripe tomatoes as well, which I assume you like because of the sheer amount."

   "I do," Uchiha grunted, looking a little embarrassed for a second before composing himself and eating the rest of his food just as Naruto did, taking occasional sips of the orange juice. Once they were done, Naruto summoned a Kage Bunshin to take care of the dishes. Naruto hummed as he looked at the clock, the academy would only be starting two hours from now, leaving about an hour and a half to train.

   "Hey, Uchiha-san," Naruto said as he stood up, his clone already washing the dirty dishes in the kitchen, "do you mind if I train in the back?"

   "Do whatever," Uchiha waved his hand in dismissal as he too stood, walking over to his bedroom, "just don't get in my way."

   Naruto nodded and walked over to the shōji door leading out to the back, sliding it open and closing it behind himself. He breathed in through his nose for a moment, enjoying the crisp scent of the morning, the dew in the leaves shimmering from the just rising sun. It was relatively bright outside, long shadows cast west.

   He walked into the middle of the training area, observing the crates of shuriken and kunai neatly pilled up to his left, some rather beat-up training dummies to his right, a path cutting through the woods and towards the left where Naruto knew a dock was located. A small, quiet splashing stream flowed across the path, a quaint wooden bridge connecting the two sides.

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