A Really Good Lawyer

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Wanda's POV

After being at the police station all night, they finally let us go. Coming home me and Peter walked into his room and collapsed onto his bed, falling asleep without even changing. We were that exhausted.

Present time
I felt the feel of the sun on my face and I slowly opened my eyes. Peter was still fast asleep, his hair all messed up over his pillow, I moved it aside and kissed his forehead gently.

I carefully got out of the bed and snuck out of the room so I didn't wake him up, which thankfully I didn't...I think.

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed some new clothing along with towels. I than entered the bathroom and took a very long hot shower, the water burned the scars that lined my skin, causing my brain to be flooded with memories of those five years...but before anything could happen I placed my hand on the wall and took extremely deep breaths.

I was able to calm down enough and not have a full on melt down and finish my shower. Afterwards I did my skin care routine, just trying to feel as normal as possible. As my hand ran over my face, I traced the scar along my cheek and titled my head.

It was so weird to think of what this came from and what I became in such a short amount of time, it was kind of terrifying...if I was being honest, I mean who wouldn't be scared of a killer with major powers.

After that was all done, I changed into a blue sun dress and a black leather jacket. "Wanda, are you almost done in there dear." May said.

"Yeah, just one moment." I yelled, taking myself away from facing the foggy mirror.

I walked out of the bathroom, after grabbing all my stuff and walked by her, while she had a glum look on her face. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah." She lied, giving me a fake ass smile.

"May?" I turned to look at her. "I know your lying...what's up?"

She let out a sigh. "There investigating Stark Technology now and Happy is now at the top of their list. And...there's a lawyer coming in about twenty minutes."

"Wait what?" I exclaimed. "Happy is now wanted and we actually got a lawyer?"

"Yes and yes." She replied.

"Shit." I sighed, a reasonable response for both questions.

She just nodded her head and walked into the bathroom. I just looked at the shut bathroom door and than turned down the hall.

I put away my stuff first and than walked into Peter's room. I crouched down next to the bed and gently shook his arm. "Peter, baby. It's time to wake up."

He groaned lightly and flipped over, I just smiled and grabbed his arm flipping him over. "Wake up, sleepy head! We got company coming." I stated, shoving him a bit more.

He opened his eyes and smiled. "Good morning to you to." He chuckled, his deep groggy morning voice coming through.

"Good Morning Peter." I laughed. I went to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.

"I want a good morning kiss before I get up." He whined.

"Your so needy." My voice being very sarcastic, I honestly loved his neediness.

"Only for you." He smirked. I gave him a quick passionate kiss and than gently whacked his stomach.

"Now get your ass up!"

-Twenty Minutes-

We all sat around a table, a tv playing in the background, with news about how they're now investigating Stark and the missing technology and there top suspect was Happy.

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