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Wanda's POV

"Let me just talk to this woman and than I'll explain everything." He kissed my cheek and ran over to the woman. I watched them from a far and saw her run off and I cocked my head at Peter. He just sent me a happy thumbs up and I sent him a smile, before running over to him and robot arm man. 

As I should up, he tried to grab me and Peter yanked me back. "Hey, hey...don't touch her. Also I'm in control here." Peter said moving his jacket to reveal some tech, that showed that he was connected to the arms. "Of this entire tentacle situation."

"Now..." I walked forward and used my powers, one hand kept his real arms down and with my other hand, I punched him hard in the jaw. He let out a groan. "That was for choking me out and this." I punched him on the other side of his jaw, het let out another groan. "And that was for trying to kill Peter." I than fixed my hair and jacket.

"That's all." He chuckled.

"You should be extremely thankful that's all I'm gonna do right now. Because I know multiple ways to break a jaw and I'm more than willing to demonstrate." I said right in face, making my eyes flash red. I than backed away and stood proudly by Peter's side. He couldn't even make eye contact with more or look in my general direction, it was actually hilarious. 

"Okay now, what is going on? Who are you?..." Peter asked him, before he started getting distracted. As I stood next to him, I looked where he was looking. Something metal was dropped on the bridge and suddenly there was an explosion. Peter's suit grew around him and I placed my hands at my side, glowing. 

There was a shit ton of smoke now, from the cars blowing up and laughter started ringing through the air. I looked through the smoke and someone in a green elf looking costume came through, riding a hover board looking thing.

"Osborn?" Robo man said. I shot him a look and than looked back at the elf. Suddenly they started coming towards us and I was getting ready to fight when an orange portal transported us to a basement, I think it was a basement.

"What the hell?" I mumbled. Peter made his suit 'disappear.' I made my hands go back to normal and looked around, It looked like there were cells, but with no bars. Peter began to walk forward and I followed behind him.


There was a loud noise behind us, scaring the shit out of the both of us. "SHIT!" I spun around, powers at the ready, when I saw a crocodile, lizard thing banging against some magic forcefield. We both backed away, but than Robo man banged against a barrier to, causing Peter to let out a gasp of fear. He backed into me and we messily entangled our fingers. 

I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder and I screamed, so did Peter. I spun around to see Doctor Strange standing behind us, looking a little beat up. "Be careful what you wish for Parker." I just looked at him super confused and turned to Peter. 

"What is he talking about?"

"Let me out of here!" Robo man yelled, hitting his hand against the barrier.

"Can you please explain to me what is going on?" Peter asked. 

"Yeah, same here. Because clearly I missed something." I piped up. 

"That little spell you botched." Strange said and my eyes went wide at Peter. A spell? "Where you wanted everyone to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man and that Wanda Maximoff is The Scarlet Witch." He said gesturing to me. 

"Excuse, me what?" I said my mind just flabbergasted.

Both men just ignored me. "It started pulling in everyone that knows that Peter Parker's Spider-Man and that Wanda Maximoff is The Scarlet Witch from every universe into this one."

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